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Commas with Items in a List or Series

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Presentation on theme: "Commas with Items in a List or Series"— Presentation transcript:

1 Commas with Items in a List or Series

2 What did the panda do? A panda walks into a bar. He eats shoots and leaves.

3 What did the panda do? A panda walks into a bar. He eats, shoots, and leaves.

4 When to Use Commas: With Items in a List or Series
Use commas to separate three or more words, phrases, or clauses in a series. Example: The panda ate, paid, and left.

5 Conjunctions A conjunction goes between the last two items of the series. Conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so


7 Back to the comma…

8 Video

9 Resources Online
ld-i-put-a-comma-before-the-last-item-in-a-list BEST: #3 because the website is easy to understand.

10 Watch Out! Some websites are still posting wrong information about this comma.

11 Incorrect Information:

12 Incorrect Information:

13 The Oxford Comma Reduces Confusion!

14 Additional Video:

15 Real World Example (Correct)

16 Real World Example (Correct)

17 Real World Example (incorrect)


19 BONUS!!!

20 Items with Descriptive Words in a Series
When two or more descriptive words are used in a row, they can be considered items in a series. Example: He bought a nice, clean car.

21 Check your answer! “He bought a nice, clean car” is like saying:
He bought a nice car. He bought a clean car. Therefore, you need a comma between “nice” and “clean.”

22 Items with Descriptive Words in a Series
When one descriptive word describes the other, however, do not use a comma. Example: He bought a dark clean car.

23 Check your answer! “He bought a dark blue car” is NOT like saying:
He bought a dark car. He bought a blue car. “He bought a dark car” does NOT make sense. Therefore, you DO NOT need a comma between “nice” and “clean.”

24 Real Life Example: Incorrect Usage

25 Real Life Example: Incorrect Usage


27 Which adjective should go first?
How to use multiple adjectives in a sentence.

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