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By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 1 Business Ethics MORE INSIGHT INTO WALLY’S WORLD!

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Presentation on theme: "By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 1 Business Ethics MORE INSIGHT INTO WALLY’S WORLD!"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 1 Business Ethics MORE INSIGHT INTO WALLY’S WORLD!

2 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 2 BUSINESS ETHICS = ? n People in business have not suddenly become immoral. What has changed are the contexts in which corporate decisions are made, the demands that are being made on business, and the nature of what is considered proper corporate conduct. Corporation executives today are held accountable to many different constituents and overseers -- the board of directors, other members of management, shareholders, customers, employees, the news media, and others. In short, business has become everybody's business. -- W. Michael Blumenthal

3 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 3 BUSINESS ETHICS MODULE n Most of the unethical acts I have seen committed in business were performed by essentially honest people. -- Gerald E. Ottoson n What does this say?

4 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 4 WHY DOES UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR OCCUR WITHIN ORGANIZATIONS? n Bad apples? n Bad barrels?

5 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 5 ETHICS PROGRAMS IN FIRMS n Top Management Leadership n Codes of Conduct n Training Programs n Role of Corporate Culture n Are Ethics Enforceable?

6 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 6 PRAGMATIC ETHICS TESTS n Think in principled terms n What are the ethical issues? n Balance sheet n Critical questions approach

7 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 7 THINK IN PRINCIPLED TERMS n Universalizability n Reversibility n Utility n Fairness/Equity n Impact on the least advantaged

8 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 8 PRAGMATIC ETHICS TESTS n Think in principled terms n What are the ethical issues? n Balance sheet n Critical questions approach

9 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 9 WHAT ARE THE ETHICAL ISSUES? n Talk or debate with someone about the issue. n Develop positions point / counter point. n Generally, try to work out the arguments on all sides of the issue.

10 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 10 PRAGMATIC ETHICS TESTS n Think in principled terms n What are the ethical issues? n Balance sheet n Critical questions approach

11 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 11 BALANCE SHEET n List the ethical pros and cons in parallel lists. n See if some balance out others.

12 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 12 PRAGMATIC ETHICS TESTS n Think in principled terms n What are the ethical issues? n Balance sheet n Critical questions approach

13 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 13 CRITICAL QUESTIONS n Have you defined the problem accurately? n How would you define the problem if you stood on the other side of the fence? n How did this situation occur in the first place?

14 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 14 CRITICAL QUESTIONS n To whom and to what do you give your loyalty as a person and as a member of a corporation? n What is your intention in making this decision? n How does this intention compare with the probable results?

15 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 15 CRITICAL QUESTIONS n Whom could your decision or action injure? n Can you discuss the problem with the affected parties before you make your decision?

16 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 16 CRITICAL QUESTIONS n Are you confident that your position will be as valid over a long period as it seems today? n Could you disclose without qualm your decision or action to your boss, your CEO, the board of directors, your family, society as a whole?

17 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 17 CRITICAL QUESTIONS n What is the symbolic potential of your action if understood. If misunderstood? n Under what conditions would you allow exceptions to your stand?

18 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 18 PRAGMATIC ETHICS TESTS n Think in principled terms n What are the ethical issues? n Balance sheet n Critical questions approach

19 By: Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smithp. 19 The Big Question... n While you debate an issue with colleagues (v. ethics / decisions) consider whether or not your decision making process would differ if there were a reporter in the room taking notes! n If not, then there is probably no problem.

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