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Solar Cookers in the Environmental High School 2010-2012 Daniel Feuermann Hezi Yizhaq

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Cookers in the Environmental High School 2010-2012 Daniel Feuermann Hezi Yizhaq"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Cookers in the Environmental High School 2010-2012 Daniel Feuermann Hezi Yizhaq cooking-001.htm

2 Solar Cooking A project within the Physics curriculum: Stages: Knowledge Design Construction Measurement

3 Solar cookers: Only for refugee camps? Health issue (respiratory problems) Safety for women (wood gathering) Time for other occupation (teaching, small business) Energy savings, quality of cooked food, Bedouin society: environmental issue Modern society: why not? If it is possible.


5 The box cooker: Simple design, Requires Alufoil, cardboard boxes, glue, some transparent glazing, newspaper for insulation, scissors, knife.

6 Some commercial examples

7 Parabolic cooker

8 Lahsa, Tibet

9 Box cooker with reflectors Village cooker

10 Panel cookers, simpler than box cookers

11 Radiation outside the atmosphere: The 1/R 2 - law Distance sun-earth: 149.5 10 9 m Diameter of the sun: 1.39 10 9 m The radiation is then: [(1.39/2)/149.5] 2 =1351 W/m 2 sun r R=149.5*10 9 m earth Surface temperature of the sun 5762ºK black body radiation:  T 4 = 5.67*10 -8 (5762) 4 = 62.5*10 6 [W/m 2 ]

12 Electromagnetic radiation

13 Solar radiation


15 Diffuse and direct radiation Direct radiation: 800-900 W/m 2 Diffuse radiation: 70-120 W/m 2 Solar radiation measurement

16 Radiation on a horizontal surface

17 Transmittance of non-absorbing glass covers

18 Bouger’s law: where K is the extinction coefficient L is the optical path length α g is the absorption coefficient L = d/cosθ t where d is the thickness of the layer Typically K=4…32 m -1 For example if K=32, d=0.005m, and normal incidence α g = 0.15 i.e., 15% of energy is absorbed. אבזורפטיביטי של זכוכית


20 Parabola y = a x 2 מוקד f = 1/4a tan( ϕ /2)=D/4f D

21 Geometry of the parabola Cross section Leaves to construct the parobala


23 תוצאות ניסוי עם המראה הפרבולית

24 בניית תנורי קופסא


26 Physics


28 בניית תנורי פאנל


30 תוצאות ראשוניות


32 שאלות חקר פוטנציאליות 1. כיצד עקיבה אחר השמש משפיעה על קצב חימום המים? השוואה בין תנור סולארי עם ובלי עקיבה. 2. מה הרפלקטיביות של האלומיניום? 3.כיצד משפיעה השקית על קצב חימום המים? 4. מהו מקדם הבליעה של השקית?

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