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Technology By JOHN EISAGELEAS Since the dawn of mankind, technology is being used to serve humans and to find solutions to their problems. Many people.

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3 Since the dawn of mankind, technology is being used to serve humans and to find solutions to their problems. Many people associate technology with advanced robots and experiments.

4 This is completely WRONG.

5 The term “technology” is used to describe the technological progress that the mankind has made. Technology is associated with everything we use, from apparently simple pencils, to highly advanced computers. Technology is absolutely necessary, because mankind can’t live without it.

6 The major advantage of technology is that it helps to improve people’s living standard.

7 For example, with the help of technology, man has been able to generate light through electric current. Mankind wouldn’t be able to move forward without the help of technology.

8 Of course, there is also a negative aspect.

9 Technology has made our lives extremely easy, therefore we wouldn’t be able to live without seemingly unnecessary things, like computers.

10 To sum up, I believe that technology has become vital to our lives. I am not sure if this is a negative thing, because mankind wouldn’t be able to exist without it.

11 Therefore, I think that technology’s negative aspects are a minor disadvantage compared to the advantages.

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