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California Water Resources Chapter 5 cont’d: Ground Water.

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1 California Water Resources Chapter 5 cont’d: Ground Water

2 Aquifer a body of rock or sediment that stores water underground and allows the flow of groundwater

3 Porosity the percentage of a rock or sediment that consists of open spaces p.397

4 Permeability the ability of a rock or sediment to let fluids pass through its open spaces, or pores p.398

5 Water Table The upper surface of underground water; the upper boundary of the zone of saturation. p.399 Aeration : The process by which atmospheric air enters the soil. The rate and amount of aeration depends on the size and continuity of the pore spaces and the degree of water logging. Aeration : The process by which atmospheric air enters the soil. The rate and amount of aeration depends on the size and continuity of the pore spaces and the degree of water logging. Saturation / saCH ə ˈ r ā SH ə n The percentage of how much something is absorbed compared with the maximum possible. Saturation / saCH ə ˈ r ā SH ə n The percentage of how much something is absorbed compared with the maximum possible.

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7 Conserving Groundwater Communities often regulate the use of groundwater to help conserve this valuable resource. They can monitor the level of the local water table and discourage excess pumping. Some communities recycle used water. This water is purified and may be used to replenish the groundwater supply.

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9 On the other hand… Some of natures most amazing formations are underground. Over thousands of years, areas with limestone rocks can develop caves. Groundwater dissolves a network of tunnels in the rock. If the water table is lowered by a change in climate or tectonic uplift of the area, groundwater drains out of the tunnels, leaving the caverns empty. Click Here to view animation

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