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Well Log Interpretations of Miscellaneous Oklahoma Reservoirs By Richard Andrews March 2009.

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1 Well Log Interpretations of Miscellaneous Oklahoma Reservoirs By Richard Andrews March 2009



4 GR & SP Resistivity Conductivity 0 API 150 0 50 Well “A” #1-34; UPPER ZONE See Detailed Logs

5 GR & SP RESISTIVITY 0 API 150 1 10 100 1000 GR SP shallow RtRt Well “A” #1-34; UPPER ZONE DETAILED LOG SECTION

6 GR & CAL Microlog 1” & 2” 0 API 150 0 10 20 30 40 6 in 16 (ohms) Well “A” #1-34; UPPER ZONE DETAILED LOG SECTION

7 GR & CAL Density & Neutron Porosity 0 API 150 30 20 10 0 % 6 in 16 DETAILED LOG SECTION Well “A” #1-34; UPPER ZONE

8 GR & SP Resistivity 0 API 150 1 10 100 1k Middle zone: See Detailed Log Lower zone: See Detailed Log GR SP Well “A” #1-34; MIDDLE & LOWER ZONES

9 GR & CAL Density & Neutron Porosity 6 in 16 30 20 10 0% Lower zone: See Detailed Log Middle zone: See Detailed Log Well “A” #1-34; MIDDLE & LOWER ZONES

10 GR & SP Resistivity 0 API 150 1 10 100 1k Middle zone Detail Lower Zone Detail DETAILED LOG SECTIONS Well “A” #1-34; MIDDLE & LOWER ZONES

11 GR & CAL Density & Neutron Porosity 0 API 150 30 20 10 0 6 in. 16 Middle Zone Detail Lower Zone Detail DETAILED LOG SECTIONS Well “A” #1-34; MIDDLE & LOWER ZONES

12 Questions for Well “A” #1-34 1.How deep was surface casing set? What size casing did they use? What size drill bit was used to TD? 2.What is the reference elevation datum for the well logs? 3.What matrix density was used to calibrate the density log? What was the logging speed (feet per minute) and how long did it take to log the porosity? 4.What is the lithology in all 3 zones? Color sandstone = yellow, carbonates = blue 5.Define intervals having positive separation on the microlog in the upper zone. 6.How many GR API units define the shale base-line through the Middle and Lower zones? 7.Identify intervals having mudcake buildup in all 3 zones. Is the hole in good or bad condition for porosity logging? 8.What is the cross-plot porosity between 5,308’ – 5,316’ 9.Why is the neutron and density porosity so different within the interval 5334-5364? Are these porosity values valid? 10.Specifically describe the lithology/strata between 5,400’ - 5,465’? What type of fluid(s) are in this rock? 11.Tell me something about the rock sequence between 6,016’ - 6,050’ (rock type, vertical textural profile, porosity, permeability, and depositional environment). 12.What is the lithology from 6,170’ to TD? Identify the intervals containing significant (>8%) cross-plot porosity? Do any of these have mudcake buildup and why??

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