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Published byHerbert Peters Modified over 9 years ago
Agency Collaborations and Leveraged Funding Opportunities (aka developing BFFs in your state)
This session will provide a forum for discussion that identifies ways to position yourself to leverage funding through contracts and other agreements.
Legitimacy and Authority We are mandated to: -improve the provision of assistive technology -through comprehensive statewide programs -to people with disabilities of all ages, all disabilities, in all environments You are your state’s Governor designated lead agency or implementing entity.
Supplement not Supplant States must provide an assurance that the funds received through the grant will be used to supplement, and not supplant, funds available from other sources for technology related assistance, including the provision of assistive technology devices and assistive technology services. By all means, provide services for free to individuals and their families and circles of support whenever you are able, but make the case for, market, and sell your services to agencies and organizations as value added to the services they are already providing. –For example, your program could provide devices through the device lending program to VR clients under contract with VR- the benefits to VR clients include ensuring a better fit of the technology for their clients, lower abandonment rates, and cost savings for VR (as a “try before you buy” option, every device loaned that does not work for the client would have been a device VR would have purchased in the past to try in the hopes it would work).
If you can’t be everywhere, at least be somewhere! If you have not already done so, get to know your state and who the players are. Make sure you are sitting at the table- determine where you have initial staff interest and expertise and where your program can add value. Make initial contacts and provide an overview of your program. Highlight possibilities and opportunities of a collaboration- even a “no’ now, isn’t a “no” forever. Don’t expect everything at one- get a foot in the door and look for further opportunities for enriching the collaboration. Market your staff as the state experts on assistive technology; you are the experts, so an agency doesn’t have to be.
Other targeted Individuals and Entities* underrepresented populations, including the aging workforce; individuals who work for public or private entities (including centers for independent living described in part C of title VII of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 796f et seq.), insurers, or managed care providers) that have contact, or provide services to, with individuals with disabilities; educators at all levels (including providers of early intervention services, elementary schools, secondary schools, community colleges, and vocational and other institutions of higher education) and related services personnel; technology experts (including web designers and procurement officials); health, allied health, and rehabilitation professionals and hospital employees (including discharge planners); employers, especially small business employers and providers of employment and training services; entities that manufacture or sell assistive technology devices; entities that carry out community programs designed to develop essential community services in rural and urban areas; and other appropriate individuals and entities, as determined for a State by the State. * Other than individuals with disabilities of all ages and their family members, guardians, advocates, and authorized representatives
In other words… Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and Community Rehabilitation Providers (CRPs); Schools, both K-12 and Higher Education; Centers for Independent Living (CILs) and State Independent Living Councils (SILCs); WorkSource; Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCS) and Area Agency on Aging (AAAs); State Government Agencies; Caregiver, Occupational, Physical Therapist Professional Organizations; For-profit private companies; Non-profit non-governmental organizations, Faith-based organizations, etc.
Activities that best lend themselves for collaboration and bringing in funds Professional development training; Device demonstration and device lending including managing equipment inventories for state agencies, device loan fees, and equipment purchases to supplement library; TA / State Improvement around policy including AT in Voting, AT Funding in Medicare, AT and Transition, and Accessible Information Technology/ Telecommunications; Evaluation/Assessment, Individualized Training (fee based/ not AT Act dollars); Sell AT- if there are limited in-state/ territory AT vendors, consider becoming an AT vendor (fee based/ not AT Act dollars).
Setting your rate ■When determining the rate to be charged to the agency, base it on the full costs to provide the service, incorporate any administrative (indirect) fee, and compare to other competitive rates for similar services in the local community.
Leveraged Funding, Program Income, Other Revenue Leveraged Funding: Any funds obtained through established collaborations/ partnerships to support state implementation of AT Act authorized activities. Leveraged funding should be reported in your state APR, whether or not the activity is described in your State Plan. Program Income: earned income that is directly generated by an activity funded exclusively with federal AT Act dollars that is reported on the SF-425 as program income by your fiscal office. Note that most leveraged funding reported in a state APR and even revolving fund income is not considered program income under federal guidelines as the activity generating the income is supported with more than just federal AT Act dollars. Other revenue: Funds brought in by and supporting activities not authorized by the AT Act including evaluations/ assessments and the selling of AT. As these activities are not AT Act authorized, these funds should be managed separately from your AT Act funds (including associated program income) for accounting purposes.
Next steps Perfect your elevator speech- know how to talk about your program in succinct fashion and be prepared to elaborate with specific details. Involve your Advisory Council members- some of the best collaborations start with some advocacy on your behalf from your council members. Be prepared to respond to new inquiries as your program’s reputation grows- employ a “yes” or “yes, but” strategy (“yes, but we would need to…”). Determine your resource capcacity- including staffing time and expertise, equipment inventories, training curricula portfolio, etc. Talk to other states with similar collaborations in place.
COLLABORATION IN VT Transforming our Relationships
Landscape in VT ■Small Population and Rural State – 627,000 (cows not included) ■VCIL – 1 Central Office with 4 Branch Offices ■DVR VT – 1 Central Office with 12 Branch Offices ■DBVI – 1 Central Office with 4 Branch Offices (11 employees) ■Area Agencies on Aging – 5 Regional Offices ■Designated Agencies for DS and MH Services - 11 ■K-12 Public Schools – 298 (local control) ■23 Colleges (2 are state Colleges; 3 are Universities) ■17 Hospitals (most are under University of VT Medical)
VATP Snapshot ■Housed in Division of VR as our Lead Agency ■1 Central Office (Program Director, AT Services Coordinator) ■3 Regional Tryout Centers ■AT Services Coordinator manages Reuse ■AT Access Specialists are hired under a grant to the UCEDD at the University of Vermont ■2,362 total devices in our loan inventory
VATP in FY15 ■Lost $75k in General Funding for Reuse / demands for services increased simultaneously ■Reduced to 2 AT Access Specialists in 2 tryout centers ■1819 Vermonters reached through public awareness and conferences ■214 Vermonters trained on specific AT devices and services ■1273 Vermonters received information and assistance on Assistive Technology tools, services and funding ■205 Vermonters participated in device demonstrations ■439 pieces of equipment loaned ■$116,475 in savings to consumers through AT exchanges via the Community and School Exchanges
Creative Restructuring ■VATP’s funding was reduced to Federal Grant Award ■WIOA was a catalyst for change within VR and VATP ■VATP began assessing opportunities for partnership and areas of supplanting ■VATP connected with other states for TA regarding leveraged funding and models for successful partnering ■Charted course for restructure and built proposal for services to VR ■Changes to our service delivery model and proposal for services to VR was created by VATP staff ■VATP utilized supports within our network to create, present, and implement the proposal
Building Sustainability ■Moved Reuse in-house and began focus on supporting independent use of the Community Exchange ■Re-hired a third AT Access Specialist and built in a component of Outreach Center Coordinator into the position ■Began development of Outreach Center Model (pilots have begun with the University of Vermont Medical Center’s Rehabilitation and Patient Services, VCIL, UVM Low Incidence Disabilities Team, and two Designated Agencies) ■Designed VR Proposal with components of staff training and TA to build internal AT capacity within VR ■Assumed management of the Equipment Distribution Program in VT and utilizing this as catalyst for an Outreach Center
VR AT Services ■Identified specific, unique needs of VR Counselors and Employment staff; designed a very user friendly, effective consultation approach ■Built on our service delivery with incorporation of demo and loan activities ■Designed referral process, outreach, training, service delivery model, and data within the framework of VR’s existing services ■Engaging in very focused, planned roll-out of services, with focus on continuation ■Delivering training that leverages skills of VR Counselors and Employment Specialists to champion best practices regarding AT ■Created a transition-age youth pilot with goal of expansion of specialty services into K-12 / begun conversations with AOE related to IEP changes
VATP in FY16 ■Equipment Distribution Program - $75K (contract with VCIL) ■VR AT Services (1.5 FTE for Consultation, Individual Training, Staff Training, and TA) - $110K ■VR Youth AT Coach Pilot (2 part-time AT Specialists) - $45K ■Creating MOU with VR for AT Director and Service Coordinator’s time on VR Services (AT Program Director was brought onto VR Senior Management Team) ■3 full-time AT Access Specialists staffing tryout centers ■Pilot Outreach Centers in development ■Project with the Vermont Department of Labor in development
Wistech Snapshot ■Based out of SVRI at UW-Stout under contract from WI DHS ■1 Central Office (Wistech Director.75 +.5 FTE Wistech staff) ■10 Subcontracts (8 ILC, ReUse and Dept of Corrections) ■8,000+ Device Loan and Demonstration Items
Landscape in WI ■Rural and Urban areas: Population 5,757,564 ■65,000 sq. miles / Highest Temp 114 / Lowest -55 ■ADRCs: 84 (By County and Tribal Entity) ■DVR: 1 Central Office and divided into 11 WDAs ■K-12: 425 Districts and 12 CESAs ■Post Secondary: 85 Colleges and Universities ■ILC: 8 Independent Living Centers ■8 Managed Care Organizations
Wistech in FY 15 ■1169 Device Loans / 968 Borrowers ■1122 Device Demos / 1783 Demo Participants ■603 Device Exchanges / $14,357 Savings ■1518 Devices Reutilized / $490,431 Savings ■No increase for subcontractors – 5 th straight year ■1.25 FTE Wistech Staff = limited program development time
ADRC Collaboration ■2007-2014 AT Kit Project ■Three rounds of kits purchased, assembled, distributed ■Training of all ADRC staff and annual refreshers available ■MIG Funding (initial) / Grant Supported (latest round) ■$50,000 – final round ■29 additional kits, upgrades to existing kits and 4 regional trainings/travel ■Paired training with half day on Deaf/HOH ■Measurement outcomes via ADRC – limited ability to produce
DPI Collaboration FY16 ■Recognized unmet need among school age for loans and demos ■Survey by DPI on Wistech awareness and need ■Wistech supporting Pay for Performance model with ILCS for loan/demo ■Wistech supporting acquisition of additional technology for school related AT needs (loan/demo inventory) ■Long Range: Funding from DPI to support ongoing Wistech efforts within the school districts
TEPP Collaboration FY17 ■TEPP – Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program ■Non-Profit Access Grants (via Public Service Commission) ■Identification of variable levels of service delivery in WI ■PSC seeks unified approach to TEPP Voucher related services ■Goal: Subcontract with Wistech beginning FY17 to develop and implement a “certification” training program for providers connected with the TEPP program ■Ongoing funding to oversee training program and oversight of ILCs doing the work
WISTECH – Long Range Plans ■Secure funding to equate 1 FTE per ILC ■AT Act, DPI, TEPP ■FTE might be Wistech employed or ILC employed – TBD ■Pay for Performance Model for all AT Act mandates for all subcontractors ■Will allow greater oversight on staff training and expertise (current problem in WI) ■More equitable distribution of AT Act funds through earned activities ■Branding of the Wistech name for AT in WI
Idaho AT Project (IATP) Snapshot ■Urban, Rural, and Frontier areas: Population 1,634,000 ■83,000 sq. miles ■Based out of the Center on Disability and Human Development (AUCD) at University of Idaho ■1 Main Office U of I Main Campus (1 Director, 2 FT staff/3 PT staff) ■2 AT Resource Centers (Coeur d’Alene/1 FT staff & Boise/2 FT staff & 1 PT) ■1 Subcontracts (1 CIL Idaho Falls)
Focus: Tater Tech Partners ■SDE PreK-12: 136 LEAs (Districts & Charters) ■Idaho DVR: 1 Central Office and 40 local offices ■Areas Agencies on Aging (AAA): 6 ■CILs: 10 Centers for Independent Living
Idaho SDE Collaboration Director of Special Education- Charlie Silva Member AT Council Training & Technical Assistance ■State and Regional AT Trainings- In-service Teachers (Distance & F2F) ■Train Pre-Service Teachers ■Facilitate Tools for Life: Secondary Transition and Assistive Technology Conference (Student, Teacher, Parent) 12 th Annual ■Onsite AT Consultations for Higher Needs Students ■Accessible Instructional Materials (AEM)- Direct Policy ■Sustainability Model
Idaho SDE Collaboration- Future ■Funding Increase ■Long term Loan (Devices) ■UDL/AT & Sustainability ■Hiring More Staff ■TA & Training for SDE Staff (Accessibility State Assessments)
Idaho VR Collaboration Director of VR- Jane Donnellan Member of Low Interest Financial Loan Review Committee VR Staff Member AT Council ■AT Assessments for Clients (Fee for Service) ■AT Training Pre-Service VR Counselors (Free) ■AT Training In-Service VR Counselors (Free) ■Funding for Tools for Life Conference
Idaho VR Collaboration- Future First Contract ■Summer Camp (Pre-employment Training- Groups) Second Contract (Read WIOA) ■AT for Lending Library ■Training Staff AT ■AT Purchase and Training for Secondary Transition Students ■Tools for Life Funding
Idaho Commission on Aging & CILs Collaboration Ombudsman & AAA Director Members of AT Council ■Training Independent Living Conference (Money Follows the Person) ■Member of Respite Care Planning Group ■Member of 3 Year Planning Group CIL Director Member of AT Council (Member of SILC) ■Statewide Independent Living Conference (FUTURE) ■Emergency Preparedness State/Local Levels
Thanks! Panelists: ■Janice Carson Idaho Assistive Technology Project 208-885-6097 ■Amber Fulcher Vermont Assistive Technology Program 802-871-3029 ■Laura Plumber Wisconsin Assistive Technology Program (WisTech) 715-232-3300 Moderator: ■Alan Knue Washington Assistive technology Act Program (WATAP) 206-685-6836
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