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Do Now - Friday edition! Friday means?!?. Even more questions 12. Where is Persia? Persia’s wealth came from what? 13. Explain the rise of Cyrus? 14.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now - Friday edition! Friday means?!?. Even more questions 12. Where is Persia? Persia’s wealth came from what? 13. Explain the rise of Cyrus? 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now - Friday edition! Friday means?!?

2 Even more questions 12. Where is Persia? Persia’s wealth came from what? 13. Explain the rise of Cyrus? 14. Why was is called Cyrus the Great? 15. During Cyrus’s rule he treated the Jews with kindness. Explain 16. Compare Cyrus’s rule with his son Cambyses as a ruler? How were they different? 17. Following Cambyses was Darius for ruler of the Persian Empire. What struggles did he face? 18. Although Darius was a great military leader, he was better know for what? Explain in detail.

3 Way more questions 19. Explain Darius’s “nationalities?” 20. What were the “eyes and ears of the kings?” 21. Name at least 2 of Darius’s accomplishments for creating unity within the Persian Empire. 22. The Zhou dynasty’s decline occurred during a time known as “the warring states period.” Explain 23. Confucius felt that the Chinese people had lost their sense of values. What did he establish to help bring them back? 24. Was Confucian a religion? Explain 25. Legalism was much different than Confucianism. How?

4 From last class Begin to review by answering the following vocab words. By Tables begin to cover and answer the following vocab Words 16. Mosque 17. Haji 18. Qur’an 19. Shari’a 20. Sunna 21. Five Pillars of Islam 22. Caliphs 23. Jihad 24. “people of the book” 25. Umayyads 26. Sunni 27. Shi’a 28. Abbasids 29. Sufi 30. Hyksos

5 Latest list Begin to review by answering the following vocab words. By Tables begin to cover and answer the following vocab Words 31. New Kingdom 32.Pharaoh 33. Hatshepsut 34. Thutmose 35. Nubia 36. Ramses II 37. “Sea People” (not in bold) 38. Kush 39. Piankhi 40. Meroë 41. Sennacherib 42. Nineveh 43. Epic of Gilgamesh 44. Hanging Gardens of Babylon 45. Fertile Crescent

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