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Air and Air Pollution Chapter 17 “I thought I saw a blue jay this morning. But the smog was so bad that it turned out to be a cardinal holding its breath.”

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Presentation on theme: "Air and Air Pollution Chapter 17 “I thought I saw a blue jay this morning. But the smog was so bad that it turned out to be a cardinal holding its breath.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Air and Air Pollution Chapter 17 “I thought I saw a blue jay this morning. But the smog was so bad that it turned out to be a cardinal holding its breath.” Michael J. Cohen

2 Key Concepts Structure and composition of the atmosphere Types and sources of outdoor air pollution Types, formation, and effects of smog Sources and effects of acid deposition Effects of air pollution Prevention and control of air pollution

3 The Atmosphere Troposphere 78% N, 21% O Stratosphere Ozone Layer Greenhouse effect Fig. 17-2 p. 419

4 Outdoor Air Pollution Primary Pollutants Secondary pollutants Fig. 17-4 p. 421

5 Photochemical Smog Photochemical reaction Brown-air smog Photochemical oxidants Fig. 17-6 p. 424

6 Industrial Smog Industrial smog Sulfuric acid Sulfur dioxide Particulates Gray-air smog Fig. 17-8 p. 426

7 Temperature Inversions Subsidence inversion Radiation inversion Fig. 17-9 p. 427

8 Acid deposition Wet deposition Regional Outdoor Air Pollution from Acid Deposition Dry deposition Fig. 17-10 p. 428

9 Acid Deposition in the US Fig. 17-11 p. 429

10 Acid Deposition and Humans Respiratory diseases Toxic metal leaching Decreased visibility Damage to structures, especially containing limestone Decreased productivity and profitability of fisheries, forests, and farms

11 Acid Deposition and Aquatic Systems Fish declines Undesirable species Aluminum toxicity Acid shock Fig. 17-14 p. 431

12 Acid Deposition, Plants, and Soil Nutrient leaching Heavy metal release Weakens trees Fig. 17-15 p. 432

13 Indoor Air Pollution/Sick Building Syndrome Fig. 17-17 p. 434

14 Radon Radon-222 4 picocurie level Occurs in certain areas based on geology Associated with uranium and organic material in rock Fig. 17-18 p. 436

15 Effects of Air Pollution on Living Organisms and Materials Damage to mucous membranes Respiratory diseases Damage to plant leaves and roots Reduction in primary productivity Deterioration of materials

16 Solutions: Preventing and Reducing Air Pollution Clean Air Act National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Primary and secondary standards Output control vs. input control

17 Emission Reduction Fig. 17-22 p. 441 Fig. 17-23a p. 442

18 Reducing Indoor Air Pollution

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