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Starter: Think of three different TV programmes that you like to watch regularly…example? WHY do you watch them? (I’m expecting more of a critical analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter: Think of three different TV programmes that you like to watch regularly…example? WHY do you watch them? (I’m expecting more of a critical analysis."— Presentation transcript:


2 Starter: Think of three different TV programmes that you like to watch regularly…example? WHY do you watch them? (I’m expecting more of a critical analysis than ‘I just like it’)

3 The Uses and Gratifications Theory: Media consumers choose texts that fulfil one or more of these needs: The need to: be informed and educated about the world in which they live identify personally with characters and situations in order to learn more about themselves be entertained by a range and variety of well constructed texts use the media as a talking point for social interaction or discussion escape from the ‘daily grind’ into other worlds and situations Now, think back to those TV programmes you watch - which of these five reasons is why you watch them?

4 Apply ‘The Uses and Gratifications Theory’ to this statement: I enjoy watching Big Brother because I like to choose which characters are most like me and who act like I would in the house. It is really good fun to watch the housemates make such fools of themselves. My friends enjoy Big Brother too, and sometimes we watch together on eviction night to see who will be voted out. I would never go on Big Brother myself but it takes my mind off work.

5 Ealing, Miserable Britain and U&G: As we watch the rest of P to P make notes on how the different strands of U&G theory would have been relevant to a 1949 audience

6 P to P and U&G: be informed and educated about the world in which they live identify personally with characters and situations in order to learn more about themselves be entertained by a range and variety of well constructed texts use the media as a talking point for social interaction or discussion escape from the ‘daily grind’ into other worlds and situations Which strand of the U&G theory is most relevant to the 1949 consumers of Passport to Pimlico? Why?

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