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Student introduction Name:Briana Cone Grade:7 th Courses with FLVS: Math with Ms.Jones, World Geography with Mr.Marrocco, Science with Mrs.Reinke, Language.

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Presentation on theme: "Student introduction Name:Briana Cone Grade:7 th Courses with FLVS: Math with Ms.Jones, World Geography with Mr.Marrocco, Science with Mrs.Reinke, Language."— Presentation transcript:


2 Student introduction Name:Briana Cone Grade:7 th Courses with FLVS: Math with Ms.Jones, World Geography with Mr.Marrocco, Science with Mrs.Reinke, Language with Mrs.Hoenstine, and Art with Mr.Hixon

3 Science Background  Experience and science background: I have done two official science projects not including this one! I did one in 3 rd grade and one in 4 th. The one in third grade I frogot what it was about, but in the school I got first place in my category! Then I moved on to the county and I won fourth grade. Then in fourth grade I won 1 st place in the school and thoird place in the county! In fourth grade I did the project on how bananas ripen pears.  I am interested in science because it is and always has been my favorite subject, I just love science!

4 My Project, From Eggs to Chicks!  I am doing this science project because I have never hatched chicks on my own. I thought that it would be an interesting science project to hatch out chicks! I put in 18 eggs, one was not fertile wich was determined 8 days into the incubation. I hypothesized that the guinea egg would hatch first. My goal was to at least have half of the initial 18 eggs hatch!

5 Hypothesis  My hypothesis was that the one guinea egg would hatch first because it was the smallest and it appeared that its growth rate would be as fast as the other eggs. Since the egg was smaller than the others I assumed that it would hatch first.

6 Initial research  What I did was I looked up chick hatching on google and my dad picked the best one for me to use. Because hes done this in a normal incubator,but he said that he wanted to ensure that I got the best possible instructions so that I could hatch as many chicks as possible. The instructions ended up telling me the tempurature that the homeade incubator needed to stay at and the humidity. They also told me how to candle the eggs.

7 Initial resource continued  A real world application of my projct happens all the time! Even in my own backyard we have chicks hatching now over the past two weeks I have had over 20 chicks hatch out in our yard with three or four different hens. Here are one of the hens with her chicks.....  Shes a frizzle hen!

8 Materials and methods  I made a homeade incubator but you can buy one but my incubator consisted of a small styrofoam cooler, a heat lamp with a 75 watt light bulb and a house temperature reader. I had to let the tempurature adjust to somwhere between 99 and 101 degrees F. Then placed all 18 of my eggs into the incubator in an egg carton. I made up a time schedule to flip the eggs the required minimum of 3 times a day. I waited the required 21 days and the ones that did hatch actually hatched later than they were supposed to.

9 Results  The results of the experiment was that 2 out of the initial 18 hatched. They arent exactly the results I wanted but its better to have trial and error than to never take a chance and never try at all!One of the eggs were never even fertile then around day 24 after my first 2 had hatched already we removed the ones that we could tell were rotten and then a few days later we checked the rest and had to bury them also. But then we brought in the rest of another hens because she already had 10 chicks so she left the other eggs. Then I took the good ones and hatched out three other chicks that wouldnt of made it if I hadnt of asked to save them! I put my two hatched chicks and gave them to our best hen one chick was a frizzle and the other we think is a guinea chicken cross. They are 100% well!

10 Where I think I went wrong  I think that I went wrong with using a styrofoam cooler as an incubator. Because its tempurature would sky rocket at night then drop in the morning when I was sleeping and I couldnt do anything. I also think that I should have had less eggs than 18. I thought that at least half of my eggs would hatch but that didnt even happen I think that the ones under the light were too hot and the farthest away ones wouldnt get enough heat but amazingly two farther away from the light are the ones that ended up hatching!

11 My conclusions  I have concluded that a styrofoam incubator is not the best incubator to hatch out little chicks. Also that I should never ever try to hatch 18 eggs I should probably do maximum 10 eggs. I had 2 of the 18 eggs hatch, wich was not the best but it was ok. One of the eggs were unfertile, wich was untellable until I was 8 days into the incubation process.I had hoped that at least half would hatch but they didnt.

12 Biblioghraphy and acknowledgements  The only cites that I used were and project.html#From_Eggs_to_Chicks.My mom,dad,and big brother helped me with the project. project.html#From_Eggs_to_Chicks

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