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4 th Grade – Jan. 22. Grant Purpose and Background Partnerships Purpose of this Training Target: Increase content knowledge of identified Tennessee Education.

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Presentation on theme: "4 th Grade – Jan. 22. Grant Purpose and Background Partnerships Purpose of this Training Target: Increase content knowledge of identified Tennessee Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 th Grade – Jan. 22

2 Grant Purpose and Background Partnerships Purpose of this Training Target: Increase content knowledge of identified Tennessee Education Standards for Math as measured through a STEM challenge. Introductions and Training Purpose

3 Teams Bathrooms/Breaks/Cell Phones Agenda STEM Materials Training Teams and Logistics

4 Please take the time to visit the site later Contact us if you have any questions or need help. MSP Wikispace – Your Source for All Resources


6 You will need these materials: A copy of the Instructional Alignment Chart, K-12 Vertical Progression book, composition notebook (for notes) and a sentence strip for the group Using the Instructional Alignment Chart – identify the vertical alignment of the targeted standards. Identify the implications across the grade levels Discuss with your team – modify if needed. Choose one implication to share with the whole group and write on a sentence strip. Vertical Alignment

7 What works v. what doesn’t work Individually take notes on your charts Then as a team, come up with one best practice to record on a sentence strip. Be prepared to share with the entire group. Current v. Best Practices

8 1.What is the value of reviewing the vertical alignment? 2.Name one instructional practice that you will use in your classroom and why? Think About It

9 Fourth Grade Challenge: Hazardous Roads There has been a drop in the temperature overnight and the the roads have become very icy. The school buses are having trouble stopping, especially in the hilly areas. Several of the bus stops are at the bottom of a steep hill. There are many students who wait at the bottom of the hill for the bus to pick them up. How can the bus safely stop at the bottom of the icy hill to pick up the students? The transportation committee has asked for students to create a plan to slow down the bus while it is traveling down the hill. The goal is to get the bus to stop safely at the bus stop.

10 Challenge Demonstration: Hazardous Roads Icy cookie sheet Toy Truck Distance moved by toy truck Stacked books What will happen when the truck goes down the icy slope?

11 Targeted Standards Math 4. NF.C.7 Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two decimals refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual model. SPI 2.5 Generate equivalent forms of common fractions and decimals and use them to compare size. SPI 2.6 Use the symbols, and = to compare common fractions and decimals in both increasing and decreasing order. Science GLE 0407.11.2 Design a simple investigation to demonstrate how friction affects the movement of an object. SPI 0407.11.1 Describe the position of an object relative to fixed reference points. SPI 0407.11.2 Identify factors that influence the motion of an object. SPI 0407.11.3 Determine the relationship between speed and distance traveled over time.

12 Scaffolding Skills Chart Introduce challenge early in instruction Discuss skills/topics that have already been taught or need to be taught Provide connections and integration Share the materials and resources if the entire STEM team is not here Remember all resources will be available on the Wiki

13 Progression of Decimals Place Value – Whole Numbers – Fractions - Decimals Place Value – Whole Numbers – Fractions (fractional model/word/symbol and that 10 tenths make a whole, comparison of fractions) Fractions to Decimals - just another notation for fractions (decimal fractions have a denominator of 10 or 100) Tenths (Model & symbol, symbol & word, word & model) then hundredths 2/10, 0.2 or two tenths

14 Decimals Reading decimals (0.15) Comparing decimals (0.2 and 0.09/use fractional meaning to compare same denominators – 20 hundredths and 9 hundredths) Connect to money (40 pennies - 40/100, 3 dimes - 3/10 of a dollar, 30/100 in a dollar)

15 TARGET: Represent decimals to hundredths using base ten blocks. A new student has come to our class. He does not know how to represent tenths using base ten blocks. Work with your team to come up with a quick lesson on how to use base ten blocks to represent the decimal or fraction – 0.7 or 7/10. Remember to include Math vocabulary, drawings and labels. All team members need to know how to explain the lesson. Number off in your team from 1-4 and write your number in your notebook.

16 Represent decimals to tenths using base ten blocks 3 2

17 TARGET: Represent decimals to tenths with base 10 blocks. Represent decimals to hundredths with base 10 blocks. one flat one whole One rod – 1/10 or 0.1 One rod - 10/100 or 0.10 One unit 1/100 or.01

18 Represent decimals to hundredths using base 10 blocks Represent 0.30 on the place value mat 0. 3 0 OR 0. 3

19 Your Turn – Shoulder Partners Student 1 – model the decimal with blocks Student 2 – check model and coach if needed. BOTH draw shapes and label with decimal in notebooks. Then switch jobs. 1..20 2..07 3. 0.40

20 Show 0.2 and 0.09/Compare 0.2 and 0.09 20 9 100 0.2 0.09 > > >

21 Use a Number Line

22 Multiple Representations

23 Think About It 1.This lesson focused on decimals less than 1 – how could base ten blocks represent decimals larger than 1? 2.Why is it important for students to be able to draw or represent with a place value mat, number line or base ten blocks?

24 Target: Compare decimals using a number line. Video Link: Can you tell who won from these results?

25 Decimal Number Line Look at number line and endpoints. Estimate where you think 51.50 would go on this number line. IN YOUR CLASSROOM – continue with this activity. Each team has 1 decimal on green construction paper. Discuss with your team where your decimal would be on the number line. Make sure that all team members know. Place your decimals on the number line.

26 AthletesCountriesResults Tyler McGillUSA51.88 Chad LeClosSouth Africa51.44 Michael PhelpsUSA51.21 Steffen DeiblerGermany51.81 Joeri VerlindenNetherlands51.82 Actual Results Let’s put these decimal results on the number line. Can we tell who won now?

27 Target: Compare decimals using a number line. Video Link:

28 Exit Cards Draw this number line in your notebooks. Label the endpoints based on these decimals (18.75, 18.62, 18.50, 18.1) Place the decimals in the correct place on the number line.

29 Think About It 1.What other scenarios or context could be used to show students how decimals are used in the real world? 2.What other manipulatives or representations could be used to compare decimals?

30 Lunch 11:30-12:45

31 Inclined Planes with Go! Motion Sensors Introduce Integration Technology Coaches Divide groups into two Half of the group will take notes while the other half will participate Go back to seats and “Think Pair Share”

32 Fourth Grade Challenge: Hazardous Roads There has been a drop in the temperature overnight and the the roads have become very icy. The school buses are having trouble stopping, especially in the hilly areas. Several of the bus stops are at the bottom of a steep hill. There are many students who wait at the bottom of the hill for the bus to pick them up. How can the bus safely stop at the bottom of the icy hill to pick up the students? The transportation committee has asked for students to create a plan to slow down the bus while it is traveling down the hill. The goal is to get the bus to stop safely at the bus stop.

33 Targeted Standards Math 4. NF.C.7 Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two decimals refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual model. SPI 2.5 Generate equivalent forms of common fractions and decimals and use them to compare size. SPI 2.6 Use the symbols, and = to compare common fractions and decimals in both increasing and decreasing order. Science GLE 0407.11.2 Design a simple investigation to demonstrate how friction affects the movement of an object. SPI 0407.11.1 Describe the position of an object relative to fixed reference points. SPI 0407.11.2 Identify factors that influence the motion of an object. SPI 0407.11.3 Determine the relationship between speed and distance traveled over time.

34 Directions Each team will test two materials (waxed paper, sandpaper, aluminum foil, towel, or tiles) Teams will test their materials on the ramp. Measure the distance (cm) from the truck’s starting point to the stopping point. Change the variable and measure again. Draw a graph in notebook to represent the 2 trial runs – include distance and material tested. Record cm measurements in graph.

35 Data Comparison Review and compare results on the decimal number line. Compare the measurements – which material worked best to slow down the truck? Explain in your notebooks why this material worked better than the other materials.

36 Challenge Extension Add weight as a variable to slow down the vehicle (ex. icy roads and salt bags) Use fractional measurements

37 Think About It 1.Do you have the motion sensors in your building? If you do, how did you use with students? 2.How else could the sensors be used to align with 4 th grade standards?

38 Closure TARGET: Increase content knowledge of identified Tennessee Education Standards for Math as measured through a STEM challenge. Remember to check out the Wiki Remember to share information with rest of team (Math and Science) Remember to bring back the composition book and Vertical Progression Book for future trainings Take with you: composition books, vertical progression books, Vernier Sensor, base ten blocks, measuring tapes

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