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Name ____ 6_ Tricks for Memorizing X Tables Sept.__.

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Presentation on theme: "Name ____ 6_ Tricks for Memorizing X Tables Sept.__."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name ____ 6_ Tricks for Memorizing X Tables Sept.__

2 4X tables are just “Double” the 2x times, which are just doubles as well. Ex. 4 X 6 is: “two 6’s =12 & two 12’s = 24 Name ____ 6_ Tricks for Memorizing X Tables Sept.__

3 4X tables are just “Double” the 2x times, which are just doubles as well. Ex. 4 X 6 is: “two 6’s =12 & two 12’s = 24 5 X tables always end in 5 (if odd) or 0 (if even). Can you count by 5’s? Ex. 5 X 6 is: 6 groups of 5: 5,10,15,20,25,30 Name ____ 6__ Tricks for Memorizing X Tables Sept.__

4 4X tables are just “Double” the 2x times, which are just doubles as well. Ex. 4 X 6 is: “two 6’s =12 & two 12’s = 24 5 X tables always end in 5 (if odd) or 0 (if even). Can you count by 5’s? Ex. 5 X 6 is: 6 groups of 5: 5,10,15,20,25,30 9X tables: Take one off the # of groups  That’s your ten’s place & see how many more to make 9 is your one’s place. Ex: 6 X 9 = 50 (fifty because 6-1 =5) plus 4 more makes 9, so... 54 Name ____ 6__ Tricks for Memorizing X Tables Sept.__

5 4X tables are just “Double” the 2x times, which are just doubles as well. Ex. 4 X 6 is: “two 6’s =12 & two 12’s = 24 5 X tables always end in 5 (if odd) or 0 (if even). Can you count by 5’s? Ex. 5 X 6 is: 6 groups of 5: 5,10,15,20,25,30 9X tables: Take one off the # of groups  That’s your ten’s place & see how many more to make 9 is your one’s place. Ex: 6 X 9 = 50 (fifty because 6-1 =5) plus 4 more makes 9, so... 54 5,6,7,8  56 = 7 X 8 Name ____ 6__ Tricks for Memorizing X Tables Sept.__

6 4X tables are just “Double” the 2x times, which are just doubles as well. Ex. 4 X 6 is: “two 6’s =12 & two 12’s = 24 5 X tables always end in 5 (if odd) or 0 (if even). Can you count by 5’s? Ex. 5 X 6 is: 6 groups of 5: 5,10,15,20,25,30 9X tables: Take one off the # of groups  That’s your ten’s place & see how many more to make 9 is your one’s place. Ex: 6 X 9 = 50 (fifty because 6-1 =5) plus 4 more makes 9, so... 54 5,6,7,8  56 = 7 X 8 I ate and ate ‘til I was sick on the floor! 8 X 8 = sixty four 64 Name ____ 6__ Tricks for Memorizing X Tables Sept.__

7 4X tables are just “Double” the 2x times, which are just doubles as well. Ex. 4 X 6 is: “two 6’s =12 & two 12’s = 24 5 X tables always end in 5 (if odd) or 0 (if even). Can you count by 5’s? Ex. 5 X 6 is: 6 groups of 5: 5,10,15,20,25,30 9X tables: Take one off the # of groups  That’s your ten’s place & see how many more to make 9 is your one’s place. Ex: 6 X 9 = 50 (fifty because 6-1 =5) plus 4 more makes 9, so... 54 5,6,7,8  56 = 7 X 8 I ate and ate ‘til I was sick on the floor! 8 X 8 = sixty four 64 OTHERS?? 6 X 8 = forty eight 48 Name ____ 6__ Tricks for Memorizing X Tables Sept.__

8 Use these tricks to fill in more of your X tables. x0123456789101112 0 0000000000000 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0

9 Multiplication Table x0123456789101112 0 0000000000000 1 0123456789101112 2 024681012141618202224 3 0369121518212427303336 4 04812162024283236404448 5 051015202530354045505560 6 061218243036424854606672 7 071421283542495663707784 8 081624324048566472808896 9 0918273645546372819099108 10 0 2030405060708090100110120 11 0 2233445566778899110121132 12 0 24364860728496108120132144

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