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Memory Chapter 6. Remembering  Three processes:  Encoding  Storage (consolidation)  Retrieval.

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Presentation on theme: "Memory Chapter 6. Remembering  Three processes:  Encoding  Storage (consolidation)  Retrieval."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory Chapter 6

2 Remembering  Three processes:  Encoding  Storage (consolidation)  Retrieval

3 The Atkinson-Shiffrin model: information processing memory model  3 different, interacting memory systems:  1. sensory memory  2. short-term memory  3. long-term memory

4 Sensory memory  The memory system that holds information from the senses for a fraction of a second to 2 seconds  Acts like a strainer  X B D F  M P Z G  L C N H

5 Short-term Memory (STM)  Very limited capacity-  7 (+ or – 2) different items of bits of information for < 30 seconds  Displacement  Chunking

6 Rehearsal  Process to increase duration of short- term memory  distractions

7 Elaborative rehearsal  Best for use with complex information  Relating new information to something you already know

8 Short-term memory as working memory  The memory system where you work on information to understand it, remember it, to solve a problem, to communicate with someone

9 Memory strategies  The “work’ that goes on in the working memory  Manipulating information to make it easier to remember  What strategies do you use?  How did you learn multiplication table sin elementary school?

10 Long-term memory (LTM)  Person’s vast storehouse of permanent or relatively permanent memories  No known limit of numbers of LTM, may last a lifetime

11 LTM Divisions  1. Declarative memory  2. Episodic memory  3. Semantic memory  4. Nondeclarative memory  priming

12 Alternative model: levels- of-processing model  Craik and Lockhart (1972)  Whether one remembers something for a few seconds or a lifetime depends on how deeply they process information

13 Three kinds of memory tasks:  1. Recall  2. Recognition  3. Relearning

14 Recall  Do you do well on essay tests? You are required to recall a lot of information.  Produce required information simply by searching the memory  Ex. Someone’s name, grocery list  Retrieval cue

15 Recognition  Identifying material as familiar or as having been encountered before

16 Relearning  More sensitive way to remember  Expressed as the % of time saved when the material is relearned compared with time required to learn material originally  Savings score

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