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Who’s Who of the Renaissance By Kelsey Cook and Hannah Casebolt.

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1 Who’s Who of the Renaissance By Kelsey Cook and Hannah Casebolt

2 Baldassare Castiglione The Courtier in 1528 Describes perfect Renaissance gentleman –To become one you must: –speak seriously and amusingly –know Latin and Greek –Know poetry and history –write things like poetry

3 Niccolo Machiavelli Political philosopher and statesman -The Prince “A ruler must do whatever is necessary to maintain political power.”

4 Leonardo Da Vinci Profession as a painter, but also a well rounded person. –The Last Supper –Mona Lisa

5 Raphael Painter and archetect –The School of Athens Plato and Aristotle surrounded by philosophers from past and present (Raffaello Sanzio)

6 Johannes Gutenberg Improved printing press created by China Writing can be mass-produced and no longer written by hand

7 Christine de Pisan Writer who focused on the role of women One of the few women to gain equality and education –The City of Women

8 Henry VIII King of England in 1509 Broke from Church so he could divorce his wife because she could not produce a male heir. Became “Supreme Head of the Church of England.”

9 John Calvin Protestant reformer Believed in predestination His religion included strict laws.

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