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Heat Transfer Winter 2014 Westley Christensen and Kendal Frogget.

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Presentation on theme: "Heat Transfer Winter 2014 Westley Christensen and Kendal Frogget."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heat Transfer Winter 2014 Westley Christensen and Kendal Frogget

2  What type of phone case has the best heat flux?  Three types of phone cases used  Metal  leather  Plastic

3 Heat Properties  Aluminum:  k=167 W/m 2 K  t=1mm  Leather:  k=.159 W/m 2 K  t=1.57mm  Plastic:  k=.2 W/m 2 K  t=1.5mm  For the estimated heat flux, contact resistance was assumed to be 0 and the convection coefficient to be the same for all cases. q” Thickness (t) PhoneCase R Contact R cond R conv T ∞ = 12 W/m 2 *K (Uniform heat source)

4  Phone was ran using a hand warmer app until steady state temperature was reached.  The temperature of the surface was measured using a heat gun.  Heat flux was calculated based on surface temperature  Calculations shown in appendix


6  The experimental results were accurate with plastic and leather but were off with the aluminum.  The two reasons that we believed this to be the case was because the aluminum was at a colder starting temperature and dsitrubuted the heat evenly throughout the material rather than having a localized heat transfer.  Metal would still be recommended as the cover material to dissapate the generated heat but not burn your hand. Plastic and leather are about the same.

7 Predicted heat flux calculations: q”= (T 1 -T ∞ )/A(R cond +R conv ), AR cond =1/k, AR conv =1/h Experimental heat flux: Gr=gβ(T s -T ∞ )L 3 /ν 2, Nu=(Gr/4) 1/4 ×g(Pr), h=Nu×k/L, q”=h(T s -T ∞ ) L=4A/P=.2m

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