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French Enlightenment all about Baron de Montesquieu.

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1 French Enlightenment all about Baron de Montesquieu

2 Life Born on January 19th, 1689 at La Bréde, near Bordeaux, to a rich family of a high social class. He received a law degree from the University of Bordeaux in 1708. Inherited much of his land and his title from dead relatives (father and uncle, respectively)

3 Claim to Nobility Inherited the title of Baron de La Bréde et de Montesquieu and the office of Président á Mortier in the Parlement of Bordeaux

4 Accomplishments Overview Social commentator Popularized terms “feudalism” and “Byzantine Empire” Political thinker Articulated theory of separation of powers for the first time

5 Lettres Persanes Gained literary success with his Persian Letters, a novel satirizing the absurdities of contemporary society. Led to more publications and opened the doors for more radical commentary

6 Politics Divided French society into three classes (trias politica was the phrase he coined): the monarchy, aristocracy, and commons Two types of governmental power: sovereign and administrative Administrative: legislative, executive, judiciary Separate from, but dependent upon, each other In essence, erased the concept of a feudalistic structure

7 Politics Three main forms of government, each supported by social “principle” Monarchies: rely on Honor Republics: rely on Virtue Despotisms: rely on Fear (The free governments depend on fragile constitutional arrangements) Key lies in Liberty sustained by a balance of powers HUGE influence on modern governments, particularly in America and, less so, in Western Europe.

8 The Weirdest Idea Ever Meteorological Climate Theory: Climate influences nature of man and society Some climates are superior because they yield better temperaments Warm countries have people with hot tempers. Cold countries have “icy” and “stiff” people. France has the best climate, and so the best people

9 The Weirdest Idea Ever People don’t usually believe this anymore.

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