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Welcome to the Interim Assessment Training for Teachers Office of Assessment March 3, 2015 While you wait for the webinar to begin, please be sure to check.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Interim Assessment Training for Teachers Office of Assessment March 3, 2015 While you wait for the webinar to begin, please be sure to check."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Interim Assessment Training for Teachers Office of Assessment March 3, 2015 While you wait for the webinar to begin, please be sure to check your speaker and microphone settings. If you called in on the phone line, be sure to mute your phone.

2 West Virginia Interim Assessments for Teachers Dr. Stacey Murrell

3 Agenda Definitions of Interim Assessments Introduction to the –WV Interim Assessments Portal –TIDE –Test Delivery System –Teacher Hand Scoring System –Online Reporting System Question and Answers

4 What is the purpose of the WV Interim Assessments? The purpose of the WV Interim Assessments is to support teaching and learning throughout the year. Available for ELA and math, grades 3-11 Similar in purpose to Acuity and WV Writes

5 How were the WV Interim items (test questions) developed? The WV Interim items were developed using the same conditions, protocols, and review procedures as the West Virginia General Summative Assessment items. This means the Interim items assess the WV NxG standards, were designed using principles of Universal Design, and provide evidence to support the Smarter Balanced claims in ELA/literacy and math.

6 Are the WV Interim Assessments secure tests? The Interim Assessments are not released to the public. However, they are non- secure items that teachers and students can access to support teaching and learning. The WV Interim items are stored in a separate item bank from the WV General Summative Assessment because the summative items are secure.

7 What types of interim assessments are available? There are two types of interim assessments. The Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs) use the same test blueprints as the WV General Summative Assessment and assess the same standards. The Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) focus on smaller sets of targets and are more flexible to better support instruction.

8 What are the Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs)? Have the same testing blueprint as the general summative assessment and mirrors the summative testing experience Have the same item types and formats, including performance tasks Give students an overall scale score, an overall performance level designation, and claim-level information Results are reported as “Below Standard,” At/Near Standard,” and “Above Standard.”

9 What are the Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs)? Smaller assessments that focus on sets of targets and can be used to support instruction. Contain the same item types and formats, including performance tasks, as the general summative assessments. Students receive an overall score for the IAB. The results for the IABs are reported as “Below Standard,” “At/Near Standard,” and “Above Standard.”

10 How are the ICAs and IABs administered? Both interim assessment types are assigned by teachers and taken by students online. They will use the same delivery software as the general summative assessments.

11 How are the ICAs and IABs scored? Two ways –Items that are able to be automatically scored will be scored by the computer. –However, constructed response items and performance task ELA essay/ math extended response items are not able to be automatically scored; therefore, these items will be scored by teachers using a scoring rubric. Teachers will need to complete their hand scoring of the constructed response items and performance task ELA essay/math extended response items before any reports can be generated for both the ICAs and IABs.

12 Do any items appear in both the ICAs and the IABs? Yes, it is possible for a student to see the same item on both an ICA and an IAB because the interim assessments item pool does not have as many items as needed to avoid overlapping from one interim to another. This will occur with less frequency as the interim item pool is added to by Smarter Balanced item writers.

13 Questions?

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