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Present, Practice, Produce

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1 Present, Practice, Produce
a skill at doing a specified thing, typically one acquired through practice. Using PPP Lesson Format to Create Effective Lessons Through Task Based Learning pp

2 Objective/ Schedule Objective: To have participants create and assess a lesson plan. To prepare participants for Practicum 3. Introductions Group discussion activity Lecture on lesson planning Break Lesson planning activity Lesson plan feedback Questions/ Closing

3 Who am I? Daniel Moonasar Certified Teacher – U.S.A
7.5yrs teaching experience 4yrs U.S. 3.5yrs South Korea B.Sc. K-12 Music Education MRes- Educational and Social Research EPIK/ TaLK Teacher Trainer Assistant Professor of English at Gimcheon University Daniel Moonasar

4 Who are you? Graduates (4yrs with degree)?
Undergraduates (2yrs and or no degree)? Education majors? Teaching experience? Non internship? 6 month contract? 1 year contract? Visited in South Korea before? Lived in South Korea before?


6 Group Discussion Activity
Objective: To gather and discuss our thoughts on the role of lesson planning. 7- 8 min Directions: Make a group of 4-5 people. Discuss and answer the question given to your group. Pick 1 person to speak for your group. When finished, we’ll share answers to the class.

7 Group Discussion Activity
G1. Why is lesson planning important? G2. How is lesson planning important for the teacher? For the learners? G3. What do you take into account when you design a lesson plan? G4. What constant components are there in your lesson plan? G5. Can lesson planning be a hindrance to teaching/ learning? Why? G6. What things are the most difficult when lesson planning? Why?

8 Group Discussion Activity
G1. Why is lesson planning important? Gives teaching structure, framework, and an overall shape. Allows you to communicate more effectively to students, parents, and peers. Gives time and structure to allow for development of teaching skills. It suggests professionalism and genuine commitment. I don’t need to lesson plan. I know what I am going to do.

9 Group Discussion Activity
G2. How is lesson planning important for the teacher? For the learners? For the Teachers Don’t have to think on your feet. Don’t lose “face” in front of learners. You know your procedures and sequence. For the Learners Gives a structured lesson and allows for comprehensible input. Builds confidence and respect for the teacher. Gives the teacher’s work as a model to imitate.

10 Group Discussion Activity
G3. What do you take into account when you design a lesson plan? Learners Characteristics Learner outcomes Practical Requirements who? level? previous knowledge? multiple intelligences? objectives comprehensible input what did/ will they learn micro/ macro sequencing school’s/ department’s curriculum classroom/ materials time culture

11 Group Discussion Activity
G4. What constant components are there in your lesson plan? title objectives materials procedures assessment anticipated problems & solutions.

12 Group Discussion Activity
G5. Can lesson planning be a hindrance to teaching/ learning? Why? Time Consuming create/ use templates essential information practice/ style creating a scedule Written Performed practice applying theory to application assessment professional development Co-teaching repetitive concise comprehensible language visual continuity and design

13 Group Discussion Activity
G6. What things are the most difficult when lesson planning? Why? My Lesson Difficulties language/ cultural barrier gathering information understanding the curriculum time success

14 1. Skills and Methodology
Lecture Schedule 1. Skills and Methodology 2. PPP Lesson Plan Format 3. Lesson Plan Elements 4. Lesson Planning Activity

15 1. Bringing Together Language Skills and Methodology
pp What are the 2 focuses in a language classroom? What are the 4 associated skills in a language classroom? Receptive Skills Reading Listening Productive Skills Writing Speaking

16 1. Bringing Together Language Skills and Methodology
pp Why production based skills? Expected in NSET (Native Speaking English Teacher) curriculum. NSET emphasis on speaking. Emphasis on exploring language skills through producing target language.

17 1. Bringing Together Language Skills and Methodology
pp Why receptive based lesson planning? Receptive based. Allows for “correct or incorrect” engagement of language. Teacher centered, component comprehension driven. Generally “safe” for students Excellent for memorizing, introduction of core concepts, and eliciting information from students.

18 1. Bringing Together Language Skills and Methodology
pp Approaches and Strategies Lecture Debate Discussion Student Centered Active Learning Small Groups Role Playing Jigsaw Task Based Learning The method in which you conduct your class. Consists of teaching and classroom strategies. Helps in focusing and guiding your lesson/ classroom.

19 1. Bringing Together Language Skills and Methodology
pp Task Based Learning (TBL) Tasks in which learners generates authentic language. The task is based on students using the language to achieve specific outcomes. Task and the language are the instruments to complete the task. The task is an activity that: reflects real life or authentic tasks has students focus on meaning uses language freely allows students to experiment or make mistakes


21 1. Bringing Together Language Skills and Methodology
pp Task Based Learning (TBL) Activities Questioning Games with specific outcomes Surveys Interviews Story building Role plays Ordering/ Sorting Experimenting/ Building

22 2. PPP Format and it’s Reasoning
Why PPP lesson plan format? Easy 3 staged lesson plan. Most accepted lesson plan format in South Korea and NSETs Allows for receptive and productive language skills. Flexible for multi strategy approaches. Present Practice Produce

23 2. PPP Format and it’s Reasoning
Why PPP lesson plan format? Share lessons with other professionals Makes lessons understandable for observing peers, supervisors, & parents Communicates about in-class roles and lesson execution Present 5-10 minutes Practice 10-15 minutes Produce 20-25 minutes

24 2. PPP Format and it’s Reasoning
Present Stage: Used to introduce new or target language. Teacher can use: PPT songs flash cards drills picture cards games videos direct questions Present

25 2. PPP Format and it’s Reasoning
Present Stage: Teacher centered vs. student centered Don’t linger for comprehension Goal is to present comprehensible input not gain comprehension. Present

26 2. PPP Format and it’s Reasoning
Practice Stage: Gives controlled practice through controlled activities Teacher can use: question and answer pre-written role plays choral response jigsaw activities read and repeat games worksheets direct questions Practice

27 2. PPP Format and it’s Reasoning
Practice Stage: Goal is to give students boundaries to safely use the language Clearly defined correct and incorrect answers Give clear feedback Time to assess Practice

28 2. PPP Format and it’s Reasoning
Production Stage: To freely as possible interact and explore the language Teacher can use: group & pair work gathering information creating dialogue interviews creating role plays games creating stories presentations Produce

29 2. PPP Format and it’s Reasoning
Production Stage: Goal is to produce language, not necessarily on correctness Can be somewhat hectic Use classroom strategies for management Classroom Management Curriculum Development and Design Assessment & Assignment Content-based English Instruction Task-based Learning Produce

30 Anticipated Problems and Solutions
3. Lesson Plan Elements p. 123 Lesson Information Objectives Procedures Assessment Anticipated Problems and Solutions

31 p.123 Table 1.4 3. Lesson Plan Elements Lesson Information

32 3. Lesson Plan Elements p. 124 Keep the lesson on track
Objectives Keep the lesson on track Give learners concrete goals to work towards Fair assessment Gauge students progress Working towards expectations

33 3. Lesson Plan Elements When writing clear objectives they need to:
have a measurable and observable outcome be concise in structure and length follow a consistent format be able to be read by an outside observer

34 3. Lesson Plan Elements Pg. 125 Table 1.5
Objectives Avoid using ambiguous or passive verbs and phrases that are not measurable or observable.

35 3. Lesson Plan Elements “Students will be able to…”
Objectives “Students will be able to…” Examples of well-written objectives: Students will be able to identify the primary colors. Students will be able to locate proper nouns from a list of nouns. Students will be able to predict what comes next in the story presented. Students will be able to collect like shaped objects from a basket.

36 3. Lesson Plan Elements Pg. 126 Table 1.6 concise, repetitive in form
Procedures concise, repetitive in form visually easy to understand Presentation Practice Production Assessment Anticipated Problems and Solution

37 3. Lesson Plan Elements p. 126 Assessment Gives the ability to measure and understand objectives Embedded in strategies and teaching (interim, formative, and summative) Individual and group/class level Why aren’t they understanding this?

38 Anticipated Problems and Solutions
3. Lesson Plan Elements p. 127 Anticipated Problems and Solutions Frequently neglected Increases awareness and experience Where teachers practice critical thinking/ engagement skills

39 4. Lesson Planning Activity
Objective: Create a lesson plan and then assess another group’s lesson plan. Instructions: Your group will be given a worksheet packet and lesson material. In your group, plan a lesson based on the material given to your group. Use the information we discussed today and your lecture materials. You will have 25 minutes to plan. After you're finished I will collect your plans. Wait for more instructions.

40 4. Lesson Planning Activity
Objective: Create a lesson plan and then assess another group’s lesson plan. Instructions: I will give your group another group’s lesson plan. Use the “Lesson Planning Peer Assessment” form on page 1. You can write any additional comments on that page or the lesson plan. Please be constructive with your comments and assessment. You have 10 minutes to assess.

41 Feedback and Questions
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