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Education, Outreach and Training (EOT) Scott Lathrop Area Director for EOT February 2009.

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1 Education, Outreach and Training (EOT) Scott Lathrop Area Director for EOT February 2009

2 TeraGrid Pathways has been accepting applications for fellowships, mentoring and consulting assistance Campus Champions continued to grow adding more institutions; the SC08 BOF was a great success HPC University went into production for SC08 RPs continued to develop new content, and offer training via live, synchronous and asynchronous delivery mechanisms SC08 Education Program engaged over 120 participants - analysis of evaluations is underway Outreach was conducted at SACNAS, Oklahoma Symposium, SC08, e-Science, AGU EOT Highlights 2008 document released at SC08 and has been very useful for other outreach events Previous Quarter EOT Impact

3 Schedule of events posted on, TeraGrid User Portal, and HPC University HPC U going through continued enhancments including review of content and meta-data More emphasis on sync/async delivery of content PSC led 2nd New User Training using ReadyTalk with 55+ users; will continue each quarter after allocs. LONI announced a series of on-line topics TACC offers webcast of select training sessions NCSA developing async version of new user training Preparing 2nd HPC training survey Please share information for dissemination Preparing future generations =====> Training

4 Education Professional development and curriculum development –SC Education Program - focus on undergraduate education SC09 International workshops planned - one held in Turkey in January SC09 planning now for summer workshop locations SC09 planning for pathways to develop additional content Laura McGinnis selected as SC10 Education Program chair The Education Program will continue through SC11 –K-12 group collecting lessons learned led by Diane Baxter –Numerous education workshops this year - ICLCS, TeacherTECH, CMAST, SMART Team, etc. –Three workshops planned with HASS community - PSC, NCSA, SDSC –Resources posted to CSERD/NSDL –We are building a community ==>

5 Student Engagement –TG09 - Laura McGinnis leading student program – Supplemental proposal to support 75 students – Student volunteers – Student research papers and programming competitions – Full day of students activities on Monday –Edee Wiziecki working with National Science Olympiad to add computational science for middle and high school students –Developing a “computational science problem of the week” to start in March - for high school, undergrad and grad students –Internships and REUs - share information about your programs for posting on web site –Making a difference for students ==> Education (cont.)

6 Daphne Siefert-Herron, Indiana - Lead TeraGrid ‘09 - June 22-26, 2009 in DC Supplement to support 75 students submitted Recruiting faculty/students in DC region Professional Society Outreach Opportunities &Plans –Hand-outs and flyers –Developing core set of slides for general use –Share your plans and presentation materials EOT Highlights 2009 in development - Ange Mason NEW EOT Newsletter launches this month - Ange Engaging diverse communities ==> Outreach

7 Campus Champions Program Kay Hunt, Purdue - Lead In response to SAB and TG User Survey we are aggressively adding more Champions 29 Campus Champions have signed MOUs – 5 are Minority Serving Institutions –10 are EPSCoR Institutions – another 30-40 in the queue Monthly calls with Champions & Advisory Group Workshop planned at Rice to engage local users We continue to improve services based on their input! Providing Champions with access to ticket information. Planning a virtual meeting this quarter, and TG09 sessions Submitting panel to EDUCAUSE

8 Laura McGinnis, PSC - lead Broaden awareness of TeraGrid among under-represented populations –Planned events: AAAS, Tapia, APS, Grace Hopper, pre-NECC event at end of TG09, EDUCAUSE –Recommendations for other events welcome!! Build human capacity for Terascale research –Consultants at PSC, LONI, TACC, NCSA reaching out to users identified through workshops, conferences, personal contacts –New User training helped identify users for consulting/fellowships –Two fellowships approved, one declined –We need your help to identify candidates for assistance Enhance the usability and access of TG via SGs –Indiana is working with PolarGrid, CReSIS, and ECSU –GEON is working with SRI and Navajo Technical College - visit coming up this quarter to work with faculty and staff at NTC

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