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Antek Krasicki Aśka Żmuda, Julka Rogoyska  We have got too many tests.  We finish lessons too late.  We find out about parties in school too late,

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2 Antek Krasicki Aśka Żmuda, Julka Rogoyska

3  We have got too many tests.  We finish lessons too late.  We find out about parties in school too late, or we even don’t know about them.  We have to score too many points for a good mark.  School is old and it should be repainted and refurbished

4  Our pupils, say that they don’t like school lunches, because they are often not warm enough. They also say, that quite often they are not tasty.  A lot of pupils don’t eat school lunches and they prefer food from the school snack shop.  They say that pizza should be served more often not on the last day of school only.

5  Everyone has got a favourite subject or classroom, but in our school the most liked subjects are Geography, Polish and Art. Students’ most liked classrooms are no 16 and 19.

6 Our students say, that our school needs changes, for example:  Renovation of the school gym  More social events  Nicer teachers  More books in the school library  Fewer lessons  More school trips

7  The atmospere in class is very important to feel well in school, so we asked also about that. Nobody claims that it is horrible and a lot of students say, that they like the atmospere in their class. But some pupils from 1B say they do not enjoy being together.

8 The last question in our survey was about the rate of our school. Students’ opinions are quite different. Their votes show that the final rate of our school is 6 out of 10. It’s not bad, but it could be better.

9  Our group also did an interview with some randomly met people outside the school. We asked them a few questions about our school. They said that the school was good and children could spend a nice time there. Interviewees also said, that we had a lot of talented pupils and teachers who know how to teach well.


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