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Description of LEARNING OUTCOMES and further development of ECVET Final Conference AutoMOVET 07.10.2015, Munich Karin Küßner, National Coordination Point.

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Presentation on theme: "Description of LEARNING OUTCOMES and further development of ECVET Final Conference AutoMOVET 07.10.2015, Munich Karin Küßner, National Coordination Point."— Presentation transcript:

1 Description of LEARNING OUTCOMES and further development of ECVET Final Conference AutoMOVET 07.10.2015, Munich Karin Küßner, National Coordination Point for ECVET

2 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Osterholz-Scharmbeck,12.02.2015 © NA beim BIBB Agenda 2 1. Role of learning outcome approach 2. Defining and writing learning outcomes 3. Neccessary conditions for implementing ECVET 3. Development of ECVET?

3 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Köln 20.04.2015 © NA beim BIBB 1 Role of learning outcome approach

4 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Learning outcomes  Establish a common language  Common standard  Connect different fields of learning and working  Oriented on practical „ability to act“ 4

5 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Transparecy of competences 5

6 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Improve (vertical and horizontal) permeability 6

7 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Assess and validate informal learning 7

8 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Köln 20.04.2015 © NA beim BIBB 2 Defining and writing learning outcomes

9 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Current situation 9  Learning outcome approch is beeing implemented in (all) fields of education and training (all over Europa)  Diversity of interpretations and applications  Definition of learning outcomes varies between institutions, education and training sectors and countries  Approach to LO in VET seems to be more harmonized than in HE  No common format for describing LO exists, reducing comparability  Level of detail (granularity) varies dramatically, reducing transparency and comparability  No single way of applying LO Source: CEDEFOP-Study 2014

10 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Questions  Definition of LO and/or competences?  How is the destinction between learning objectives and LO understood?  To what extent is the terminology based on a predefined taxonomy?  To what extend is a predefined structure used?  What is the content and profile of intended learning outcomes (narrow/broad, complexity, balance between occupational and transversal LO)?  What are the basis for writing LO (Theoretical subjects/labour market needs)?  Who is involved in the definition and articulation of learning outcomes?  How are LO to facilitate assessment as well as teaching and learning? © CEDEFOP 10

11 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Competence based training regulations  Reference: national qualification framework DQR  Structure: Units of learning outcomes = „Handlungsfelder“ (field of practical work)  Description of LO: covers all dimentions of the DQR  Schools, Social Partners, Ministries, Chambers involved 11

12 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Learning outcome structure Qualifications structured in units that consist of  knowledge, skills, competence (holistic)  Correspond to working tasks, processes including transversal LO  Covers minimum/average reqiurement (no methods, no technics)  „to be able to … „, „can…“, using „active verbs“  Assessment targets, Assessment criteria  Methods of demonstrating competences 12

13 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Documenting Learning outcomes 13 Rene expanded his basic knowledge of service and improved his Spanish …

14 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Köln 20.04.2015 © NA beim BIBB 3 Neccessary conditions for implementing ECVET

15 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Pre-Conditions for ECVET 15 Quelle: CEDEFOP

16 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Valid Assessment 16

17 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Mutual trust 17 „I don´ t work with you!“

18 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Connect all tools for transparency and recognotion 18

19 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Köln 20.04.2015 © NA beim BIBB 1 Development of ECVET ?

20 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB From Recommendation to Practice ?  Focus on LO rather than „Credit (points)“  bring together experiences (examples and guidance material)  exchance experience accross differet parts of the education and training system  encourage cross-country exchanges  idetify existing networks and cooperation platforms  ….. 20

21 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Recommendations of the ECVET Expert Team (2015)  Addressing stakeholders 21 Our experience has shown that:  ECVET is proving a valuable toolkit,  ECVET facilitates efforts to base VET practice on learning outcomes,  ECVET increases the quality and efficiency of learning periods abroad,  ECVET promotes transfer opportunities in vocational training,  ECVET supports the recognition of non-formally and informally acquired competences,  ECVET needs resources and support.

22 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB ECVET implemenation policy Initiatives + pilot projects ANKOM + „Offene Hochschule“ DECVET Jobstarter Connect + Jobstarter „Drop outs“ Competence based training regulations German Qualification Framework/ sectoral frameworks National Coordination Point for ECVET Nationale Team of ECVET-Experts 22

23 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Recommendation of Wissenschaftsrat 23 WR is councelling Federal government and Länder with regard to content and structure of sience and research 2014: „Recommendations for organizing the relationship between vocational and academic education“ increase  interdigitation/coordination of VET and HE  information and guidance, e.g. Portal „Bildungsnavigator“  Permeability VET HE, recognition of learning outcomes  Supply of programms comining ocational practice and scientific content (duales Studium)

24 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Increase quality and efficency of mobility with ECVET 24 Here you can find more than 1.000 Modules/Units of learning outcomes http://www.ecvet- Here you can find more than 1.000 Modules/Units of learning outcomes http://www.ecvet-

25 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Increase quality and efficency of mobility with ECVET 25

26 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Increase quality and efficency of mobility with ECVET 26 ECVET/Mobility-Projects 2012 9/666 2013 16/680 2014 67/510 2015 69/435 2016 ?? 2,3 % 13,1 % 15,8 % 30 % ?!

27 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB Still at the beginning or near to completion ? … in Germany: on system level 27 Pioneers experienced the added value …. BUT  ECVET is still not very well known  No clear conception (see ECVET evaluation) : what is it? A system? A toolkit?  ECVET vs. ECTS (Credit Points)?

28 Karin Küßner, NKS ECVET, Munich 07.10.2015 © NA beim BIBB 28

29 Mit kleinen Schritten zur großen PPT-Präsentation © NA beim BIBB National Coordination Point for ECVET National ECVET-Experts

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