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Novella Chapter 1 “Everyone has a moment in history which belongs to him…when his emotions achieve their most powerful sway over him…”--John Knowles, A.

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Presentation on theme: "Novella Chapter 1 “Everyone has a moment in history which belongs to him…when his emotions achieve their most powerful sway over him…”--John Knowles, A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Novella Chapter 1 “Everyone has a moment in history which belongs to him…when his emotions achieve their most powerful sway over him…”--John Knowles, A Separate Peace Using your characters from “Who Would You Be,” tell the story about a moment that “belongs” to one of them. You must include at least two characters in this “chapter” of your novella. Begin the chapter with this quote from the novel.

2 Novella Chapter 2 “Everyone at Devon had many public faces…” --John Knowles, A Separate Peace Using your characters from “Who Would You Be,” tell the story about at least one character’s public and private “face.” Explain or suggest reasons for the differences between how your characters appear vs. how they really are. Begin the chapter with this quote from the novel.

3 Novella Chapter 3 “Only Phineas never was afraid, only Phineas never hated anyone…All of them, all except Phineas constructed at infinite cost to themselves these Maginot Lines against this enemy they thought they saw across the frontier…” --John Knowles, A Separate Peace Using your characters from “Who Would You Be,” tell the story about how one of them learned that another person was not really an “enemy” at all. Begin the chapter with this quote from the novel.

4 Novella Chapter 3 The Maginot Line was a defense structure that France built along its border with Germany and Italy during WWII. The reason behind it was to deter a direct assault on France to give France enough time to muster its army. The plan almost worked. Germany didn't attack France directly, but did attack Belgium, skirt the Maginot Line, and invade the country anyway. In the novel, Gene is admitting that he imagined Finny as an enemy, one who never actually attacked Gene. So, for Gene, his defenses against Finny were all for nothing, much like the Maginot line.

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