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Getting to know the Agenda Book. What is in it?  Redding Middle School contact information  2008-2009 School Calendar  Basic Academic Expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting to know the Agenda Book. What is in it?  Redding Middle School contact information  2008-2009 School Calendar  Basic Academic Expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting to know the Agenda Book

2 What is in it?  Redding Middle School contact information  2008-2009 School Calendar  Basic Academic Expectations and Daily Assignment Records  Hall Passes  Basic Behavioral Expectations

3 How will these help me succeed at RMS?

4 Uses for Contact Information and School Calendar Phone numbers and Web addresses are given to help with any school-related issue:  Family emergencies  Illnesses and make-up work  Vacation planning  State testing  Report cards  Bussing  School closings And More!

5 Basic Academic Expectations and Daily Assignment Records Help you do your…

6 Academic FYI: Grading Scale: Promotion Policy: Pass all 4 core subjects and success on DSTP Homework and Make-up work: Necessary and expected on time

7 Use Daily Assignment Log to record EVERYTHING!!!  Homework assignments  Test Grades  Due dates  Reminders of upcoming events  Notes to/from parent/teacher

8 Hall Passes LLimited Number of Pages Use sparingly and wisely FFill it out completely YOU write it, teacher signs it DDo NOT abuse them They are a privilege, not a right

9 Behavior Basics  Positive Behavior Support and the Code of the Knights Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Be a Good Citizen Be There – Be Ready

10 Behavior Basics cont’d: Dress Code (No-no!)  Headgear  Coats/jackets  Short skirts or shorts(≥3”above knee)  Tank tops  Low, see-through, or belly shirts  Pajamas  Offensive/explicit words or picture  Chains and/or spikes

11 Behavior Basics cont’d: Code of Conduct References  Cafeteria guidelines Be seated, tidy, and respectful in all ways at all times.  Hallway behavior Hint: A crowded area is the worst place to misbehave.  Locker responsibility It does belong to Redding, not you.  Personal Possessions “The administration forbids items that disrupt the educational process.”

12 Behavior Basics cont’d: Code of Conduct References  Cell Phones “Students who have their cell phones out/on during the school day will have them taken away. Parents will be contacted to arrange the return of the phone.”  Attendance Policies Just be here when you are well – it is best for all.  Medication It ALL belongs at home or with the nurse. Period.

13 To Review… What are some tools that are in the agenda to help EVERYONE achieve success?

14 Do you have…

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