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SOL 2b Documents that influenced the United States Constitution.

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1 SOL 2b Documents that influenced the United States Constitution

2 American constitutional government is founded on concepts articulated in earlier documents

3 The charters of the Virginia Company of London guaranteed the rights of Englishmen to the colonists.

4 The Virginia Declaration of Rights served as a model for the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America.

5 The Declaration of Independence ▫stated grievances against the king of Great Britain

6 ▫declared the colonies’ independence from Great Britain The Declaration of Independence

7 ▫affirmed “certain unalienable rights” (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) The Declaration of Independence

8 ▫established the idea that all people are equal under the law. The Declaration of Independence

9 The Articles of Confederation ▫established the first form of national government for the independent states

10 The Articles of Confederation maintained that major powers resided with individual states

11 The Articles of Confederation created weak central government (e.g., no power to tax or enforce laws); led to the writing of the Constitution of the United States of America.

12 The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom stated freedom of religious beliefs and opinions.

13 The Constitution of the United States of America, including the Bill of Rights, established the structure of the United States government

14 The Constitution of the United States of America, including the Bill of Rights, guaranteed equality under the law with majority rule and the rights of the minority protected

15 The Constitution of the United States of America, including the Bill of Rights, affirmed individual worth and dignity of all people

16 The Constitution of the United States of America, including the Bill of Rights, protected the fundamental freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.


18 From where did the Founding Fathers get the idea of religious freedom? The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedoms

19 What are three features of the Articles of Confederation? 1. Established the first form of national government for the independent states 2. Maintained that major powers resided with individual states 3. Created weak central government (e.g., no power to tax or enforce laws); led to the writing of the Constitution of the United States of America

20 The charters of the Virginia company of London guaranteed what to the colonists? The rights of Englishmen

21 What four things did the Declaration of Independence do? 1. stated grievances against the king of Great Britain 2. declared colonies’ independence from Great Britain 3. affirmed “certain unalienable rights” (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) 4. established the idea that all people are equal under the law

22 What are the important facts about the Constitution of the United States of America including the Bill of Rights? 1. established the structure of the United States government 2. guaranteed equality under the law with majority rule and the rights of the minority protected 3. affirmed individual worth and dignity of all people 4. protected the fundamental freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.

23 What earlier document served as a model for the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America? The Virginia Declaration of Rights

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