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Chapter 8 Sections 1& 2. background I.Most of the people in the colonies resented being ruled and controlled by the nations of Europe Q: Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Sections 1& 2. background I.Most of the people in the colonies resented being ruled and controlled by the nations of Europe Q: Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Sections 1& 2

2 background I.Most of the people in the colonies resented being ruled and controlled by the nations of Europe Q: Why?

3 Haiti Revolts I.Poor conditions in Colonies A.Haiti: slaves were tortured and divided by the white masters B.Toussaint L’Ouverture leads 100,000 against their masters C.1801 Toussaint was in control of the island D.Toussaint is captured & Jean- Jacques Dessalines wins independence

4 Venezuela & Argentina I.Simon Bolivar & Jose de San Martin A.Bolivar wins victory in Venezuela 1.1819 2.Surprise attack against Spanish Army B.Martin frees Argentina and Chile 1.1817 2.Defeated the Spanish in Chile 3.Joined Bolivar in 1822 4.Bolivar uses the combined army to defeat Spain and free South Ameirca

5 Mexican Independence I.Hidalgo begins the rebellion in 1810 A.Defeated in 1811 B.Jose Maria Morelos leads the rebellion for 4 years C.Agustin de Iturbide proclaims independence in 1821

6 Brazil I.1807 the Portuguese royal family fled to Brazil A.Escaping from Napoleon B.Rule from Brazil for 14 years C.After returning to Portugal, Brazilian people demand an independent leader D.Dom Pedro becomes ruler of Brazil in 1822 E.Bloodless revolution

7 Rise of nationalism I.Nationalism: belief that people’s loyalty should be to their nation A.Radicals and liberals believed in nationalism B.Conservatives held to the old beliefs: loyalty to the king C.Going to lead the forming of nation- states

8 The Balkans I.The Greeks gain independence A.Russia favors Greek independence B.By 1827, the British, French, and Russian navy defeat the Ottoman Empire C.Greece is freed in 1830 II.1830s Uprising A.Belgians B.Poles crushed by Russia

9 The 3 rd Republic I.Charles X had tried to return to absolute monarchy A.Riots overthrow Charles B.Replaced by Louis-Philippe C.1848 rioting in Paris leads to a new gov’t D.Louis-Napoleon became Emperor Napoleon III 1.Built railroads 2.Decreased unemployment 3.Real prosperity

10 Reform in Russia I.1856, Russia is defeated in the Crimean War A.Czar Alexander II 1.Decides to modernize Russia 2.1861 he frees the serfs 3.But creates peasant communities 4.Debt was still a problem for the peasants B.Czar Alexander III 1.Ends all reforms 2.Continues industrialization

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