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Presentation to Inter Parliamentary Union Advisory Committee on HIV and AIDS At International Public Hearing on HIV and AIDS in South Africa 22 January.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Inter Parliamentary Union Advisory Committee on HIV and AIDS At International Public Hearing on HIV and AIDS in South Africa 22 January."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Inter Parliamentary Union Advisory Committee on HIV and AIDS At International Public Hearing on HIV and AIDS in South Africa 22 January 2009, Cape Town

2 The Religious Sector represent by far the largest networks for social, welfare and development work in South Africa – They spread into all corners of the country and reach deep into areas where the infrastructure is weak – They are essential in the formation of values and value systems in the broader society – They provide the most effective network at the most affordable cost – According to the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) almost 80% (36 million) of the people of South Africa trust their religious communities – the highest of all institutions surveyed SANAC provides opportunities for collaboration between faith-based organisations (FBO’s) and public health agencies More collaboration is encouraged if progress is to be made in reaching the goal of universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support by 2010

3 Established on 15 November 2007 An interfaith body that represents and reflects the interests of the Religious Sector on HIV and AIDS Serves as a platform for an exchange and sharing of programmes, expertise and resources to inform an effective response on the part of the Religious Sector Serves as platform for the engagement of the Religious Sector in its relationships with other sectors

4 African Independent Churches Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference Church of the Province of Southern Africa Evangelical Lutheran Church in South Africa EFSA Institute Hindu Coordinating Council Jewish Representation Methodist Church of Southern Africa Moravian Church in Southern Africa National Religious Association for Social Development Positive Muslims Health Programme, South African Council of Churches World Conference of Religions for Peace Woza Moya Project (Buddhist) Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management (UNAIDS Collaborative Centre on capacity-building, community mobilisation and research dissemination) AfriSIDA Management Services

5 Dealing with particularly religious as well as broader viewpoints and approaches to HIV and AIDS as conservative ideological positions exist alongside more progressive positions in the Religious Sector and beyond The research and production of quality material for presentation and training with cognisance to technical knowledge as well as values formation The mapping of existing programmes and the organisations responsible for such programmes Monitoring, evaluating and costing the impact and contribution of the Religious Sector in its response to HIV and AIDS

6 Growing the capacity of the Religious Sector to implement integrated programmes at local levels, as well as to formulate policy directives at provincial and national levels Collaboration and the forging of strong networks and partnerships among one another and with other bodies The formulation of clear submissions to Government, donors and relevant stakeholders The securing of funding to implement its programmes The implementation of the Development Cooperation Agreement between the State and the Religious Sector

7 Programme Alignment to National Strategic Plan Prevention Behaviour change interventions Youth programmes (use of theatre plays, music and drama, peer education) Parenting skills programmes Priority Area 1: Prevention Priority Area 1: Prevention; Goal 2 – Reduce sexual transmission of HIV; Goal 2.1 – Strengthen behaviour change programmes, interventions and curricula for the prevention of sexual transmission of HIV customised for different groups with a focus on those more vulnerable to and at higher risk of HIV infection

8 Programme Alignment to National Strategic Plan  Prevention of mother- to-child transmission  Mobilising communities – creating social capital for people to work together in the building of caring societies Priority Area 1: Prevention; Goal 3 – Reduce mother- to-child transmission of HIV Priority Area 1: Prevention; Goal 1 – Reduce vulnerability to HIV infection and the impacts of AIDS; Goal 1.5 – Build and maintain leadership from all sectors of society to promote and support the NSP goals

9 Programme Alignment to National Strategic Plan  Support, care and treatment  Voluntary counselling and testing (also of religious leaders)  Counselling (faith based to persons living with HIV and AIDS)  Priority Area 2: Treatment, Care and Support  Priority Area 2: Treatment, Care and Support; Goal 5 – Increase coverage to voluntary counselling and testing and promote regular HIV testing

10 Programme Alignment to National Strategic Plan  Orphaned and vulnerable children (children’s rights) Priority Area 2: Treatment, Care and Support; Goal 8 – Mitigate the impacts of HIV and AIDS and create an enabling social environment for care, treatment and support; Goal 8.1 – Strengthen the implementation of OVC policy and programmes 8.2 – Expand and implement CHBC as part of EPWP

11 Programme Alignment to National Strategic Plan  Home and community- based care Priority Area 2: Treatment, Care and Support; Goal 6 – Enable people living with HIV and AIDS to lead healthy and productive lives; Goal 6.1 – Scale up coverage of the comprehensive care and treatment package Goal 6.2 – Increase retention of children and adults on ART Priority Area 2: Treatment, Care and Support; Goal 8 – Mitigate the impacts of HIV and AIDS and create an enabling social environment for care, treatment and support; Goal 8.2 – Expand and implement CHBC as part of EPWP

12 Programme Alignment to National Strategic Plan  Exploring the relation between HIV and TB  Income generation projects  Food distribution and food security (food gardens)  Paralegal assistance (acquiring identity documents to access grants)  Priority Area 2: Treatment, Care and Support; Goal 6 – Enable people living with HIV and AIDS to lead healthy and productive lives; Goal 6.3 – Ensure effective management of TB/HIV co-infection

13 Programme Alignment to National Strategic Plan Research Awareness raising Education and training – faith-based and age- appropriate Advocacy and lobbying (networking) Policy development and implementation (also workplace programmes in partnership with the Business Sector as testimony to the quality and impact of our interventions) Treatment literacy – medication, the taking of antiretrovirals  Priority Area 3: Research, Monitoring and Surveillance

14 Programme Alignment to National Strategic Plan  Putting people first – appreciation of the sanctity of life – respect, value and compassion for human life  Priority Area 4: Human Rights and Access to Justice

15 Faith based communities are significant in the lives of millions of people throughout Africa. They are responding to AIDS through prevention, treatment, care support messages. They have reached many through mobilising large numbers of motivated volunteers. However, much more could still be done – more could be reached with better quality services. Unhelpful messages around gender, sexual practice and stigma must be addressed to reduce infection.

16  Presents us with a kairos – an opportunity to act in demonstrating unconditional love to a broken and wounded world with compassion  If you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk with others. ◦ African proverb

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