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T I M E. Zero dimensional space One dimensional space or a line.

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Presentation on theme: "T I M E. Zero dimensional space One dimensional space or a line."— Presentation transcript:

1 T I M E

2 Zero dimensional space

3 One dimensional space or a line

4 Two dimensional space

5 Three dimensional space, the current understanding of our surroundings


7 What time might look like at a higher dimension

8 Tensed and Tenseless Theories of Time

9 Saint Augustine de HippoDogen Zenji

10 AUGUSTINE Theologian / Philosopher Monk later Archbishop in the Catholic faith Wrote “The Confessions” “City of God” “On Christian Doctrines” Believed time is nothing in reality but exists only in the human mind’s apprehension of reality. Time itself is not infinite because God created it and God was before times existence. Therefore God is infinite but time is not. DOGEN Founder of Soto Zen School as well as Daihonzan Eiheiji Buddhist Monk Wrote ““A Universal Recommendation of Zazen” and “An Account of Discerning the Way” Whenever anything happens it happens now and "now" is this "happening.” Each moment, when it is this moment, is right now. Being and time are the Activity of Aware Space. Time is Activity: the radiance of Knowing expressing itself as spaces which are active as forms, as beings, as knowns.



13 Interview with Sean Carroll, Physicist about time Interview with David Eagleman, Neuroscientist about time Interview with Dirk Evers, Theologain and Philosopher about time

14 What is time for you? How do you experience time? How has technology shifted the experience of time, memory, the experience of “now”? Dogen says “The whole of existence, the whole universe exists in individual moments of time.” Augustine says “Who therefore can deny that the future does not yet exist? Yet already in the mind there is an expectation of the future. Who can deny that the past does not now exist? Yet there is still in the mind a memory of the past. None can deny that the present time lacks any extension, because it passes in a flash. Yet attention is continuous and it is through this that what is present progresses towards being absent.” Does time exist differently for everything (atoms, trees, animals, humanity?) Does time exist at all beyond matter, mass and radiation or light? Can other experiences void of time exist? What do you think that might look like?How would we define experience if there was no time?

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