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1 Greetings! Please be seatedPlease be seated Notebook/UnipacNotebook/Unipac Please turn off all electronic devices.Please turn off all electronic devices. BE READY TO GO!!!!BE READY TO GO!!!!Thanks!

2 Vietnam War Officially 1965-1973 Unofficially 1946-1975

3 Questions To Ask:  Why did the US get involved?  Could US involvement have been avoided?



6 What you need to know about Vietnam Vietnam is part of Indochina. Vietnam was controlled by China for much of its’ early history. In 938 AD Vietnam wins independence. Constant struggle to keep independence from China – development of guerrilla tactics. Vietnam is made up of a Buddhist majority. Vietnamese are a very hardy people.

7 Imperialism Hits Vietnam French Imperialism: 1830-1941 Japanese Control: 1941-1945 Potsdam Conference: May 1945* *France gets control of Indochina again

8 Ho Chi Minh - Wants Freedom Ho Chi Minh at Treaty of Versailles 1920 Letter to Truman - 1946

9 French – Indochina War 1946-1954 Ho Chi Minh declares independence - Sept 2, 1945.Ho Chi Minh declares independence - Sept 2, 1945. Truman doesn’t recognize Ho Chi Minh.Truman doesn’t recognize Ho Chi Minh. France tries to re-take control of Vietnam.France tries to re-take control of Vietnam. Massive US aid to France.Massive US aid to France. May 1954 – France Surrenders.May 1954 – France Surrenders. Ho Chi Minh

10 The French are Ousted? Geneva Conference May 1954 (Russia, China, US, Great Britain, and France.) Divide Vietnam at the 17 th Parallel North – Ho Chi Minh (Communism) South – Ngo Dinh Diem (Capitalism) Vietnam will hold “Free Elections” The Vietnamese are very upset!

11 Minh (North) vs. Diem (South)

12 So why do we care……?  Truman Doctrine – contain communism to keep it from spreading.  Domino Theory – Eisenhower’s idea that if one country falls to communism other countries will fall as well. (quickly becomes U.S. policy)

13 Unofficial U.S. Involvement 1957 Civil War breaks out in Vietnam1957 Civil War breaks out in Vietnam South Vietnam (ARVN) vs.South Vietnam (ARVN) vs. Vietcong (NLF). Vietcong (NLF). Communist North Vietnam helps supply the Vietcong.Communist North Vietnam helps supply the Vietcong. US helps South Vietnam – “Advisors”.US helps South Vietnam – “Advisors”.

14 Vietnamese Protest U.S. Involvement

15 Video Clip: Two Vietnams

16 The War Heats Up November 2, 1963 Ngo Dinh Diem is assassinated.November 2, 1963 Ngo Dinh Diem is assassinated. Coup d’etatCoup d’etat Several “leaders” attempt to come to power – each fail.Several “leaders” attempt to come to power – each fail. U.S. now feels pressure to get involved.U.S. now feels pressure to get involved.

17 Gulf of Tonkin Incident August 2,1964 the U.S.S. Maddox attacked.

18 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution – August 7, 1964 Allows LBJ to send troops to Vietnam without a Declaration of War. Turning point in U.S. involvement in Vietnam. The war will begin to escalate……….

19 March 8, 1965 – First Combat Troops arrive in Vietnam

20 Video Clip: America’s War

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