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© 2005 Folsom Point, Inc. Instructions Select a group Select leader, recorder, timekeeper, presenter Record notes on SWIKI and/or flip charts Review Summarize.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2005 Folsom Point, Inc. Instructions Select a group Select leader, recorder, timekeeper, presenter Record notes on SWIKI and/or flip charts Review Summarize."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2005 Folsom Point, Inc. Instructions Select a group Select leader, recorder, timekeeper, presenter Record notes on SWIKI and/or flip charts Review Summarize into final report Save completed template on the SWIKI

2 © 2005 Folsom Point, Inc. Scientific Challenges/Themes Status: present environmental status Change: natural environmental and social change Global Linkages: links and interactions between polar regions and the rest of the globe New Frontiers: science in the polar regions Vantage Point: use polar region vantage point to observe interior of Earth to the Sun Human Dimensions: cultural, historical, social processes that shape circumpolar human societies

3 © 2005 Folsom Point, Inc. Scientific Challenges/Themes Select a breakout based upon: –What your expertise is in –Where you see collaboration points –What speaks to you/touches your heart

4 © 2005 Folsom Point, Inc. Audiences Scientific/Research Community Young & Potential New Polar Researchers Pre-university Education Community Arctic Communities General Public Decision-Makers

5 © 2005 Folsom Point, Inc. Collaboration & Cross-Collaboration Outreach Modes & Methods Web Sites Films Exhibits Television Formal K12 Education Adventures Others Cross-theme/cross-scientific challenge

6 © 2005 Folsom Point, Inc. What is the SWIKI? Username: ipyoe Password: ipyoe Easy-to-use Collaborative tool Workshop repository

7 © 2005 Folsom Point, Inc. Outcomes Breakouts 1 & 2: a 3 minute report to share: Collaborative & funding ideas Top projects with the greatest potential –Most exciting –Best opportunities to get funded –Highest potential for collaboration Breakout 3: a 3 minute report to share: Specific projects, action items, time lines Specific responsibilities

8 © 2005 Folsom Point, Inc. Ground Rules Be conscious of your airtime Listen to understand There are no right answers-all ideas are valid Stick to the topic –Place it in the Parking Lot –Avoid the Rathole Don’t attach to the outcome

9 © 2005 Folsom Point, Inc. Brainstorming Tips Defer judgment Work for quantity Piggy-back Freewheel Everyone participate

10 © 2005 Folsom Point, Inc. Adopt a Beginner’s Mind In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few. --Shunryu Suzuki

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