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JOINT PLANNING CELL LEARNING EVENT Lessons from PLPA Review 1 Resilience Learning Project, East Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "JOINT PLANNING CELL LEARNING EVENT Lessons from PLPA Review 1 Resilience Learning Project, East Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 JOINT PLANNING CELL LEARNING EVENT Lessons from PLPA Review 1 Resilience Learning Project, East Africa

2 COMMUNITY PLANNING IN ASALS PEP by Worldvision in Kajiado/Narok ALRMP – Resulting in CDC; ICAF- Resulting in CAPC &WAPC; NRT landscape level planning PLPA – Resulting in CDCs Where does PLPA fit alongside these other approaches? All have certain strengths and challenges 2

3 STRENGTHS OF COMMUNITY PLANNING 1.Resulting outcomes – CDC and CDAP 2.Willingness to voluntarily participate in planning at great cost to themselves; 3.Emergence of community Voice amidst challenges [Turkwell and Kakuma cases] 4.Innovations [Korr Ward CDC model] 5.Emergence of CDAPs as DEVELOPMENT plans drawn from communities [27% of plans had been fully implemented and 42% partially implemented] 3

4 4

5 CHALLENGES/LIMITATIONS 1.Capacity challenge that affects quality of process and products [Human and financial] 2.Documentation of the “proper” PLPA process not yet done, 3.Possible elite capture of process esp. by politicians but yet both the process (PLPA) & products (CDAP/CDC) need political goodwill to gain a footing in the county planning 4.Sustainability [funding of CDCs and CDAPs] 5.Institutionalization of both process and products 6.Geographical Coverage – how big/small an area? 5

6 OPPORTUNITIES 1.Institutionalization of a credible COMMUNITY process [documentation of PLPA process, capacity building of organizational teams to undertake the process] 2.Anchor community participation in the legal framework [Citizen Participation Bills, Marsabit and Isiolo] 3.Build capacities of emerging community leadership structures (CDCs, WAPC, etc) while watching out for possible elite capture [complexities of development; volunteerism; lobbying and advocacy for inclusion] 4.Positioning of community participation processes (and products) as community voice on governance, or as official planning tools 6

7 CONCLUSION So, what is the contribution of community planning to resilience programming? 1.How do the process or the plans add to the programme for resilience? Voice [Turkwell, Korr, Kakuma] Spirit of volunteerism Introduction of business models such as PPP [Sidai, Eliye Springs] 2.Could partners assist in strengthening adaptation, transformation and absorption within these communities without this type of planning? NO, because that would perpetuate dependency which doesn’t serve resilience We must TRUST the communities’ sensibilities and continue to engage them for their own development Partners could help with areas of obvious need such as infrastructure [roads, bridges, irrigation facilities] that are capital intensive where they have comparative advantage to help communities make the leaps to transformation 7

8 DISCUSION QUESTIONS FOR GROUPS 1.Can participatory community development approaches (CDP) effectively be used to plan at county level? 2.Given the long history of CDP approaches in the ASALS, why have these not already been institutionalized? 3.Given the time and resources involved in participatory CDP approaches, are they cost effective and can they realistically be scaled up to county level planning? 4.How do you maintain the quality in participatory planning processes if you scale them up to county level? 5.What value are CDP processes, given that sector specific interventions are ultimately going to be designed and implemented by the relevant line ministries? 8

9 Disclaimer The views expressed in this presentation do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. The Resilience Learning Project is implemented by Tufts University. For further information contact Resilience Learning Project, East Africa

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