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Variables in VB. What is a variable? ► A named memory location that stores a value.

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Presentation on theme: "Variables in VB. What is a variable? ► A named memory location that stores a value."— Presentation transcript:

1 Variables in VB

2 What is a variable? ► A named memory location that stores a value

3 Why use variables? ► Makes code easier to read ► Used to transfer information from one part of a program to another

4 Types of Variables TYPEPREFIX Singlesgl Doubledbl Integerint Longlng Currencycur Stringstr Booleanbln

5 Single ► Positive or negative real (might contain a decimal) numbers ► Can store smaller numbers

6 Double ► Same as single, but can store larger numbers

7 Integer ► Positive or negative integers (no decimals) ► Smaller integers ► Good for counting (e.g. number of students in a class) ► NOTE: if a decimal number is assigned to an integer, then the value is rounded ► E.g. 6.7 would become 7

8 Long ► Same as integer, but can store larger numbers

9 Currency ► Real numbers that are money values ► Up to four decimal places

10 String ► Set of characters (e.g. letters or any character that can be typed) ► String assignments require quotation marks “” ► E.g. strword = “hello”

11 Boolean ► True or false ► Used for on/off and yes/no values

12 Using Variables Step 1 – Declare Step 2 – Initialize (Assign a value) Step 3 – Use

13 Declaring Variables E.g. Dim intage As Integer ► Dim - stands for dimension (a variable has been assigned a space in memory somewhere) ► intage – identifier (name of variable) ► Integer – data type

14 Declaring Variables When a variable has been declared, you have saved a space in memory to hold whatever value is assigned: intage

15 Initializing Variables (assigning a value) E.g. intage = 15 OR intage = txtage.text This will assign whatever the user types into the textbox to intage.

16 Initializing Variables ► The space in memory now holds a value 15intage

17 Using the Variable E.g. intagedoubled = intage * 2 This will calculate the person’s age multiplied by 2 and then will store it in the variable called: intagedoubled. You can then output the variable intagedoubled to a textbox. txtagedoubled.text = intagedoubled

18 Questions 1 – Write a variable declaration statement for: a)A variable called intgrade of integer type b)A variable called strword of string type

19 Questions 2 – Indicate the value of the following variables: a) Dim dblnumber As Double dblnumber = 6 – 3 dblnumber dblnumber

20 Questions 2 – b) Dim intnum1 As Integer Dim intnum2 As Integer Dim intnum2 As Integer Dim intnum3 As Integer Dim intnum3 As Integer intnum1 = 3 intnum2 = 4 intnum3 = intnum1 * intnum2 intnum1 intnum2 intnum3

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