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ROCK IDENTIFICATION. What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?

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Presentation on theme: "ROCK IDENTIFICATION. What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?"— Presentation transcript:


2 What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?

3 Marble  Metamorphic  Non-Foliated  Calcium Carbonate  Metamorphism of Limestone

4 Image Source What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?

5 Limestone  Sedimentary  Calcium Carbonate  Forms in clear, warm, shallow marine waters  Forms from the accumulation of shell, coral, algal and fecal debris

6 What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?

7 Granite  Intrusive Felsic Igneous Rock  Coarse Grained, can see crystals  Contains quartz and feldspar

8 What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?

9 Gneiss  Metamorphic  Foliated  Quartz and Feldspar in bands  Parent rock Granite

10 Image Source What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?

11 Coal  Organic Sedimentary Rock  Formed in ancient swamps in layers  Formed from plant remains

12 What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?

13 Obsidian  Extrusive Igneous Rock  Very quick cooling molten rock (lava)  Glassy  No crystals formed

14 Image Source What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?

15 Sandstone  Sedimentary Rock  Formed by the action of wind, water, and ice on older rock  Cemented by silica (quartz) or lime (calcium carbonate)  Most form in shallow seas or sand dunes

16 What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?

17 Pumice  Felsic Extrusive Igneous Rock  Quick cooling molten rock (lava)  No crystals formed  Many holes formed - gasses released  Floats on water

18 What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?

19 Scoria  Mafic Extrusive Igneous Rock  Forms as a frothy crust on the top of a lava flow or as material ejected from a volcanic vent and solidifying while airborne  No crystals formed  Many holes formed - gasses released

20 What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?

21 Basalt  Mafic Extrusive Igneous Rock  Formed from dark dense lava  Pyroxene, plagioclase feldspar  Fine grained

22 What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?

23 Slate  Foliated Metamorphic Rock  Metamorphism of Shale  Breaks into thin “slices”

24 What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?

25 Gabbro  Intrusive Mafic Igneous rock  Coarse grained crystals  Dense, greenish or dark-colored and contains pyroxene, plagioclase, amphibole, and olivine

26 What type of rock is this? Where or how is it formed?

27 Conglomerate  Sedimentary Rock  Rounded pebbles ¼ inch or larger cemented together  Formed near moving water  Quartz, quartzite

28 Review Can you compare and contrast the following sets of rocks?  Limestone and Marble  Granite and Gneiss  Limestone and Coal  Pumice, and Scoria  Basalt and Gabbro  Conglomerate and Breccia

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