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CATLIN LAKE A case study By Kate Hilfiker. Location Catlin Lake is located in the Adirondacks in the Huntington Biological Field Station We visited this.

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Presentation on theme: "CATLIN LAKE A case study By Kate Hilfiker. Location Catlin Lake is located in the Adirondacks in the Huntington Biological Field Station We visited this."— Presentation transcript:

1 CATLIN LAKE A case study By Kate Hilfiker

2 Location Catlin Lake is located in the Adirondacks in the Huntington Biological Field Station We visited this lake during our field trip The sun was shinning There was a large whole in one of the boats

3 Background information Oligotrophic lake –The watershed is small, protected, land has little development –Low nutrient content Small Adirondack lake 12.5 meters deep at the deepest points Dimictic Very beautiful

4 Temperature Profile Epi0-5.5m Meta5.5-7m Hypo7-12.5m

5 Unique macrophytes Common Pipewort (Eriocaulon aquaticum) -shallow fresh water -Full sun -Sandy/peaty, slightly acidic soil -Clear water Water Celery (Vallisneria americana) -Ponds, lakes, and quiet streams at depths of 1 to 4 m -Leaves, fruits, and rootstocks are excellent food for waterfowl

6 Macroinvertebrates and Benthos Phantom Midge Larva (Charborus species) -Secondary consumers -Filter Feeders -Eat Daphnia and Cyclops -Eaten by many fish Order-Trichoptera Family- Molannidae -larvae construct a shield-shaped case made of sand grains -found in lakes with sand

7 Algae!! -There is an abundance of sand present at this lake. -A good source of silica Tabellaria Asterionella Large round green algae Pleodorina Staurastrum Ceratium Pediastrum

8 Zooplankton Daphnia Calanoid Kellicotta Keratella Bosmina


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