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Presenter: Miss M. Brown

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1 Presenter: Miss M. Brown
The Tainos Presenter: Miss M. Brown

2 KWL CHART What you know about the Tainos
What you want to know about the Tainos What you have learnt about the Tainos

3 The migratory pattern of the Tainos
Originally from South America Territory more than 1,000 miles east to west Occupied the Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and Cuba Rouse, Irving The Tainos. New Haven: Yale University Press. P. 6

4 Map showing islands where the Tainos settled

5 Documentary ON THE TAINOS

6 Appearance of the Tainos
Short, medium height, slightly built, well shaped, flat forehead . Olive brown complexion. They shaped their skulls up to a peak as this was a mark of beauty. They had long, straight, coarse black hair. They painted their bodies in black and white and other colours usually red, for ceremonial event, war and to protect them against insect bits. They also wore a great deal of ornaments in their ears and nose.


8 The Taino Community The Tainos lived in very small villages and their houses caneye were usually near the sea. The chief of the Tainos was called the Cacique. Outsides the Tainos (caneye) houses there were cultivated plots which consisted of maize, sweet potatoes, ground nuts and other crops.

9 Work done in the community

10 Describe what is happing in the pictures in the Tainos community

11 Taino Recreation They chewed tobacco and played a ball game called batos. The Tainos women also engaged in a great deal of dancing and singing. The women and men dance separately, but sometimes they danced together. The Tainos/Arawaks called the tobacco plant cohiba, and tabaco also referred to the pipe in which the leaves were smokes


13 The Cacique He was the chief of the tribe
Usually a male, a civic leader and not a military leader Responsible for judicial, cultural, political and religious functions. The position was passed down through the female line of the family. The role of cacique was largely ceremonial, although he was expected to settle disputes. Cacique was expected to lead and act as spiritual representative. Tributes were paid to the cacique i.e. gold and maize. Cacique lived in a bohio Wore the most elaborate dress and decorations

14 THE CACIQUE Leader of the Tainos

15 The cacique House (BOHIO) Ceremonial stool (duho)
The cacique (chief) had the largest house in the community. Ceremonial stool (duho)

16 The Taino House Usually, the Tainos house was round and constructed in the following way: wooden posts were put in the ground in a circle and canes were woven between them and tied with creepers. Tainos houses were strongly built and sometimes could withstood hurricanes. The Tainos (caneye) houses had few furniture such as stools, hammocks and a some highly polished clay pots.

17 Taino House Furniture in the Taino House Hammock

18 ACTIVITY Make a model of the Taino house in groups of four
Materials needed Palm wood Palm leaves Bamboo, straw Popsicles stickes Glue

19 RELIGION The Tainos/Arawaks were polytheistic (belief in many gods).
They made zemis which represented the sky god and an earth ­ goddess. They also believed in Life after death in the coyaba (heaven). The priest was the only one who could communicate with the zemis. The Role of the Priest He had the power to communicate with the zemis only. He used a large amount of tobacco, which allowed him to communicate with the zemis.

20 The Zemi

21 The Taino Diet The Tainos ate a lot of fruit and vegetables.
They made an intoxicating drink from cassava and maize. The Tainos cooked with a lot of pepper and salt. They also ate the cassava. They would squeeze out the poisonous juice from the cassava before making flour. They also enjoyed the agouti and iguana meat. They ate a large amount of fish from which they obtained protein since they were good hunters and fishermen. Most of their foods were stewed, roasted or baked. The Tainos women were the main ones who were engaged in the farming activities

22 Identify each of the Taino Food

23 Activity #1 Create a TAINO post card. Create a concept map on the card to show The religious, social and political organization of the Tainos Draw and label five foods that the Tainos ate Assignment: Outline five privileges of the Cacique

24 The End Thank You !!!!!!

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