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Peripheral Nervous System

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1 Peripheral Nervous System
Lecture 5: Chapter 7

2 Peripheral Nervous System
Outside central nervous system Contains cranial and spinal nerves

3 Nerve Bundle of neuron fibers found outside of CNS Cranial nerves
Primarily serve head and neck 12 pairs Spinal nerves 31 pairs Extend from spinal cord Form plexuses (complex networks of nerves)

4 Olfactory Cranial nerve I Carries impulses for sense of smell

5 Optic Cranial nerve II Carries impulses for vision

6 Oculomotor Cranial nerve III
Sends message to move eyeball and eyelid and to muscles that control lens shape and pupil size

7 Trochlear Cranial nerve IV Controls external eye muscle

8 Trigeminal Cranial nerve V Activates chewing muscles
Conducts sensory impulses from skin of face and mucosa of nose and mouth

9 Abducens Cranial nerve VI Controls muscle that rolls eye laterally

10 Facial Cranial nerve VII Controls muscles for facial expressions
Controls lacrimal and salivary glands Carries sensory impulses from taste buds at anterior portion of tongue

11 Vestibulocochlear Cranial nerve VIII
Transmits impulse of sound and balance

12 Glossopharyngeal Cranial nerve IX
Promote swallowing and saliva production Carries impulse for sense of taste from posterior taste buds on tongue

13 Vagus Cranial nerve X Parasympathetic fibers that promote digestive activity and help regulate heart activity Control pharynx, larynx, and abdominal and thoracic viscera

14 Accessory Cranial nerve XI
Activate sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles

15 Hypoglossal Cranial nerve XII Control tongue movement
Sensory impulses from tongue

16 Spinal Nerve Plexuses 4 plexuses Cervical Brachial Lumbar Sacral

17 Cervical plexus Originates from cervical region of spinal cord
Controls diaphragm and muscles of neck and shoulders

18 Brachial plexus provides connections to the shoulders, upper arms, forearms, and hands Important nerves Axillary Radial ulnar

19 Lumbar plexus provides connections to the back, abdomen, groin, thighs, buttock, and knees. Important nerves Femoral Obturator

20 Sacral plexus provides connections to the pelvis, buttocks, genitals, thighs, calves, and feet Important nerves: Sciatic (largest nerve in body)- splits into peroneal and tibial nerves Superior and inferior gluteal

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