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Solutions Solution= a mixture that appears to be a single substance but is made of particles of 2 or more substances that evenly distribute Homogeneous=

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2 Solutions Solution= a mixture that appears to be a single substance but is made of particles of 2 or more substances that evenly distribute Homogeneous= same appearance and properties throughout the whole mixture Dissolving= process in which particles separate and spread evenly throughout a mixture

3 Solution 2 parts of a solution: 1. Solute= substance that is dissolved 2. Solvent= substance that dissolves the solute Example: salt water Salt= solute, dissolves in water Water= solvent, substance that dissolves the water * If something is unable to be dissolved it is called insoluble.

4 Parts of a solution

5 Solution Particles Solution particles are EXTREMELY SMALL! Sometimes they NEVER SETTLE, CANNOT BLOCK LIGHT, and CANNOT be FILTERED!

6 Solutions can be gases & solids too! Normally, we think solutions are liquids but they can be gases and solids too! Examples of Different States in Solutions Gas in a gasDry air (oxygen in nitrogen) Gas in a liquidSoda (carbon dioxide in water) Liquid in a liquidAnti-freeze (alcohol in water) Solid in a LiquidSalt Water (salt in water) Solid in a solidBrass (zinc in copper)

7 Alloy? Alloy= solid solutions of metals or non-metals dissolved in other metals Examples: brass steel

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