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Published byProsper Blankenship Modified over 9 years ago
Synchronization Todd C. Mowry CS 740 November 24, 1998 Topics Locks Barriers
CS 740 F’98– 2 – Types of Synchronization Mutual Exclusion Locks Event Synchronization Global or group-based (barriers) Point-to-point –tightly coupled with data (full-empty bits, futures) –separate from data (flags)
CS 740 F’98– 3 – Blocking vs. Busy-Waiting Busy-waiting is preferable when: scheduling overhead is larger than expected wait time processor resources are not needed for other tasks schedule-based blocking is inappropriate (e.g., in OS kernel) But typical busy-waiting produces lots of network traffic hot-spots
CS 740 F’98– 4 – Reducing Busy-Waiting Traffic Trend was toward increasing hardware support sophisticated atomic operations combining networks multistage networks with special sync variables in switches special-purpose cache hardware to maintain queues of waiters But (Mellor-Crummey and Scott), Appropriate software synchronization algorithms can eliminate most busy-waiting traffic.
CS 740 F’98– 5 – Software Synchronization Hardware support required simple fetch-and-op support ability to “cache” shared variables Implications efficient software synch can be designed for large machines special-purpose hardware has only small additional benefits –small constant factor for locks –best case factor of log P for barriers
CS 740 F’98– 6 – Mutual Exclusion Discuss four sets of primitives: test-and-set lock ticket lock array-based queueing lock list-based queueing lock
CS 740 F’98– 7 – Test and Set Lock Cacheable vs. non-cacheable Cacheable: good if locality on lock access –reduces both latency and lock duration –particularly if lock acquired in exclusive state not good for high-contention locks Non-cacheable: read-modify-write at main memory easier to implement high latency better for high-contention locks
CS 740 F’98– 8 – Test and Test and Set A:while (lock != free) if (test&set(lock) == free) { critical section; } else goto A; (+) spinning happens in cache (-) can still generate a lot of traffic when many processors go to do test&set
CS 740 F’98– 9 – Test and Set with Backoff Upon failure, delay for a while before retrying either constant delay or exponential backoff Tradeoffs: (+) much less network traffic (-) exponential backoff can cause starvation for high-contention locks –new requestors back off for shorter times But exponential found to work best in practice
CS 740 F’98– 10 – Test and Set with Update Test and Set sends updates to processors that cache the lock Tradeoffs: (+) good for bus-based machines (-) still lots of traffic on distributed networks Main problem with test&set-based schemes is that a lock release causes all waiters to try to get the lock, using a test&set to try to get it.
CS 740 F’98– 11 – Ticket Lock (fetch&incr based) Ticket lock has just one proc do a test&set when a lock is released. Two counters: next_ticket (number of requestors) now_serving (number of releases that have happened) Algorithm: First do a fetch&incr on next_ticket (not test&set) When release happens, poll the value of now_serving –if my_ticket, then I win Use delay; but how much? exponential is bad tough to find a delay that makes network traffic constant for a single lock
CS 740 F’98– 12 – Ticket Lock Tradeoffs (+) guaranteed FIFO order; no starvation possible (+) latency can be low if fetch&incr is cacheable (+) traffic can be quite low (-) but traffic is not guaranteed to be O(1) per lock acquire
CS 740 F’98– 13 – Array-Based Queueing Locks Every process spins on a unique location, rather than on a single no_serving counter fetch&incr gives a process the address on which to spin Tradeoffs: (+) guarantees FIFO order (like ticket lock) (+) O(1) traffic with coherence caches (unlike ticket lock) (-) requires space per lock proportional to P
CS 740 F’98– 14 – List-Base Queueing Locks (MCS) All other good things + O(1) traffic even without coherent caches (spin locally) Uses compare&swap to build linked lists in software Locally-allocated flag per list node to spin on Can work with fetch&store, but loses FIFO guarantee Tradeoffs: (+) less storage than array-based locks (+) O(1) traffic even without coherent caches (-) compare&swap not easy to implement
CS 740 F’98– 15 – Lock Performance (See attached sheets.)
CS 740 F’98– 16 – Implementing Fetch&Op Primitives One possibility for implementation in caches: LL/SC “Load Linked” (LL) loads the lock and sets a bit When “atomic” operation is finished, “Store Conditional” (SC) succeeds only if bit was not reset in interim Fits within the “load/store” (aka RISC) architecture paradigm –I.e. no instruction performs more than one memory operation –good for pipelining and clock rates Good for bus-based machines: SC result known on bus More complex for directory-based machines: wait for SC to go to directory and get ownership (long latency) have LL load in exclusive mode, so SC succeeds immediately if still in exclusive mode
CS 740 F’98– 17 – Bottom Line for Locks Lots of options Using simple hardware primitives, we can build very successful algorithms in software LL/SC works well if there is locality of synch accesses Otherwise, in-memory fetch&ops are good for high contention
CS 740 F’98– 18 – Lock Recommendations Criteria: scalability one-processor latency space requirements fairness atomic operation requirements
CS 740 F’98– 19 – Scalability MCS locks most scalable in general array-based queueing locks also good with coherent caches Test&set and Ticket locks scale well with backoff but add network traffic
CS 740 F’98– 20 – Single-Processor Latency Test&set and Ticket locks are best MCS and Array-based queueing locks also good when good fetch&op primitives are available array-based bad in terms of space if too many locks needed – in OS kernel, for example –when more processes than processors
CS 740 F’98– 21 – Fairness Ticket lock, array-based lock and MCS all guarantee FIFO MCS needs compare&swap Fairness can waste CPU resources in case of preemption can be fixed by coscheduling
CS 740 F’98– 22 – Primitives Required: Test&Set: test&set Ticket: fetch&incr MCS: fetch&store compare&swap Queue-based: fetch&store
CS 740 F’98– 23 – Lock Recommendations For scalability and minimizing network traffic: MCS –one-proc latency good if efficient fetch&op provided If one-proc latency is critical, or fetch&op not available: Ticket with proportional backoff If preemption possible while spinning, or if neither fetch&store nor fetch&incr provided: Test&Set with exponential backoff
CS 740 F’98– 24 – Barriers We will discuss five barriers: centralized software combining tree dissemination barrier tournament barrier MCS tree-based barrier
CS 740 F’98– 25 – Centralized Barrier Basic idea: notify a single shared counter when you arrive poll that shared location until all have arrived Simple implementation require polling/spinning twice: first to ensure that all procs have left previous barrier second to ensure that all procs have arrived at current barrier Solution to get one spin: sense reversal Tradeoffs: (+) simple (-) high traffic, unless machines are cache-coherent with broadcast
CS 740 F’98– 26 – Software Combining Tree Barrier Represent shared barrier variable as a tree of variables each node is in a separate memory module leaf is a group of processors, one of which plays “representative” Writes into one tree for barrier arrival Reads from another tree to allow procs to continue Sense reversal to distinguish consecutive barriers Disadvantage: except on cache-coherent machines, assignment of spin flags to processors is hard, so may spin remotely
CS 740 F’98– 27 – Dissemination Barrier log P rounds of synchronization In round k, proc i synchronizes with proc (i+2 k ) mod P Advantage: Can statically allocate flags to avoid remote spinning
CS 740 F’98– 28 – Tournament Barrier Binary combining tree Representative processor at a node is statically chosen no fetch&op needed In round k, proc i=2 k sets a flag for proc j=i-2 k i then drops out of tournament and j proceeds in next round i waits for global flag signalling completion of barrier to be set –could use combining wakeup tree Disadvantage: without coherent caches and broadcast, suffers from either: –traffic due to single flag, or –same problem as combining trees (for wakeup tree)
CS 740 F’98– 29 – MCS Software Barrier Modifies tournament barrier to allow static allocation in wakeup tree, and to use sense reversal Every processor is a node in two P-node trees: has pointers to its parent building a fanin-4 arrival tree has pointers to its children to build a fanout-2 wakeup tree Advantages: spins on local flag variables requires O(P) space for P processors achieves theoretical minimum number of network transactions: –(2P - 2) O(logP) network transactions on critical path
CS 740 F’98– 30 – Barrier Performance (See attached sheets.)
CS 740 F’98– 31 – Barrier Recommendations Criteria: length of critical path number of network transactions space requirements atomic operation requirements
CS 740 F’98– 32 – Space Requirements Centralized: constant MCS, combining tree: O(P) Dissemination, Tournament: O(PlogP)
CS 740 F’98– 33 – Network Transactions Centralized, combining tree: O(P) if broadcast and coherent caches; unbounded otherwise Dissemination: O(PlogP) Tournament, MCS: O(P)
CS 740 F’98– 34 – Critical Path Length If independent parallel network paths available: all are O(logP) except centralized, which is O(P) Otherwise (e.g., shared bus): linear factors dominate
CS 740 F’98– 35 – Primitives Needed Centralized and combining tree: atomic increment atomic decrement Others: atomic read atomic write
CS 740 F’98– 36 – Barrier Recommendations Without broadcast on distributed memory: Dissemination –MCS is good, only critical path length is about 1.5X longer –MCS has somewhat better network load and space requirements Cache coherence with broadcast (e.g., a bus): MCS with flag wakeup –centralized is best for modest numbers of processors Big advantage of centralized barrier: adapts to changing number of processors across barrier calls
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