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The Standard Model of the elementary particles and their interactions

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1 The Standard Model of the elementary particles and their interactions
Predicts 3 families of elementary “matter” particles Matter particles : fermions, spin =1/2 e   e   q= -1 q= 0 u c t d s b q= +2/3 q= -1/3 + anti-particles Note : -- our world is made mainly of 1st family … -- m(e-) ~ 0.5 MeV, m(top)~ 175 GeV ! electrons quarks

2 These “matter” particles interact via the EM, strong and weak forces.
These forces are transmitted through the exchange of other elementary particles e g Force carriers : bosons, spin=1 Particle Force Coupling (E~100 GeV) Mass Intensity  EM ~ 10-1 (charged particles) e+ e- q g W, Z weak ~ 100 GeV ~ 10-5 (q, , W, Z) W- e 8 g strong (q, g) relative to strong

3 Fundamental particles and interactions
Matter particles : fermions, spin =1/2 e   e   q= -1 q= 0 u c t d s b q= +2/3 q= -1/3 + anti-particles Why 3 families ? Why 1st family privileged ? Why fermion masses ? Why boson masses ? Are quarks elementary ? Why gauge symmetries ? etc … Force carriers : bosons, spin=1 Particle Force Coupling (E~100 GeV) Mass Intensity  EM ~ 10-1 (charged particles) e+ e- q g W, Z weak ~ 100 GeV ~ 10-5 (q, , W, Z) W- e 8 g strong (q, g) Interactions specified by symmetry : U(1)y x SU(2)W x SU(3)C relative to strong Mass “generator “ : Higgs scalar, spin=0 ? (EWSB) predicted by SM but not yet observed

4 Why do we like the Standard Model ?
All the SM predictions (but one …), in terms of particles and features of their interactions, have been verified by many experiments at many machines 1994 : top quark discovered at Tevatron pp Collider (s ~ 2 TeV ) m ~ 175 GeV (CDF, D0) UA2 1983 : Discovery of W,Z at CERN pp Collider (s ~ 600 GeV ) m ~ 100 GeV as predicted (UA1,UA2) qq  Z e+e-  CDF e+ Jet 4 tt  bW bW  b bjj event from CDF data

5 The LEP e+e- Collider at CERN
: s  mZ  209 GeV Precise measurements of Z particle and of mW, and search for new particles (Higgs !) Z W LEP2 LEP1 Many spectacular measurements: agreement theory-data at the permil level !

6 f H ~ mf Why we don’t like the Standard Model ?
Unable to answer in a satisfactory way to (too) many questions of fundamental importance … 1) What is the origin of the particle masses ? E.g. why mg = 0 mW, Z  100 GeV SM : Higgs mechanism gives mass to particles f H ~ mf mH < 1 TeV from theory P.W. Higgs, Phys. Lett. 12 (1964) 132 However: -- Higgs not found yet: only missing (and essential ! ) piece of SM -- present limit : mH > GeV (from LEP) need a machine to discover/exclude Higgs particle over GeV Only unambiguous example of observed Higgs

7 SM SUSY 2) Many other open questions
-- Why 3 lepton families ? Why is the first family privileged ? -- Are there additional (heavy) leptons and bosons ? -- Are quarks and leptons really elementary ? -- What is the origin of matter / anti-matter asymmetry in the universe ? -- Unification of coupling constants ? SM SUSY

8 need a machine to explore the ~ TeV energy range
All this calls for A more fundamental theory of which SM is low-E approximation New Physics Difficult task : solve SM problems without contradicting experimental data Best candidates : Supersymmetry Extra-dimensions Technicolour all predict New Physics at  TeV scale need a machine to explore the ~ TeV energy range

9 The LHC physics goals Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson over ~ 115 < mH < 1000 GeV. Search for physics beyond the SM (Supersymmetry, q/ compositness, leptoquarks, W’/Z’, heavy q/, Extra-dimensions, ….) up to the TeV-range Precise measurements : -- W mass -- top mass, couplings and decay properties -- Higgs mass, spin, couplings (if Higgs found) -- B-physics : CP violation, rare decays, B0 oscillations -- QCD jet cross-section and as -- etc. …. Study of phase transition at high density from hadronic matter to plasma of deconfined quarks and gluons. Transition plasma  hadronic matter happened in universe ~ 10-5 s after Big Bang Etc. etc. …..

10  very powerful detectors needed
25 ns Event rate in ATLAS : N = L x  (pp)  109 interactions/s Mostly soft ( low pT ) events Interesting hard (high-pT ) events are rare  very powerful detectors needed

11 ATLAS Tracking (||<2.5, B=2T) : Length : ~46 m Radius : ~12 m
Weight : ~ 7000 tons ~108 electronic channels ~ 3000 km of cables Tracking (||<2.5, B=2T) : -- Si pixels and strips -- Transition Radiation Detector (e/ separation) Calorimetry (||<5) : -- EM : Pb-LAr -- HAD: Fe/scintillator (central), Cu/W-LAr (fwd) Muon Spectrometer (||<2.7) : air-core toroids with muon chambers

12 electrons quarks x1p x2p q as g jet

13 Process Events/s Events for 10 fb-1 Total statistics collected
Main asset : huge event statistics Expected event rates at production in ATLAS at L = cm-2 s-1 Process Events/s Events for 10 fb-1 Total statistics collected at previous machines by 2007 W e LEP / 107 Tevatron Z ee LEP Tevatron – Belle/BaBar ? H m=130 GeV m= 1 TeV Black holes m > 3 TeV (MD=3 TeV, n=4) LHC is a B-factory, top factory, W/Z factory, Higgs factory, SUSY factory, etc. Mass reach for singly-produced particles : ~ 5 TeV

14 LHC, pp, s= 14 TeV , L= 1034 cm-2 s-1 LHC Previous machines events in 1 yr total statistics Z LEP: 107 in ~ 10 yrs W FNAL: 107 in ~7 yrs top FNAL: 105 in ~7 yrs

15 Search for the Higgs boson
ATLAS H  ZZ(*)  4 5  discovery ~1 year ~3 years ~ 4 years present limit

16 H  ZZ  4  Z(*) Z mZ e, m Simulation of a H   ee event in ATLAS H
g t Z(*) H  ZZ  4  “Gold-plated” channel for Higgs discovery at LHC Signal expected in ATLAS after 1 year of LHC operation Simulation of a H   ee event in ATLAS

17 Supersymmetric particles and dark matter
This particle (neutralino) is the best candidate for the universe dark matter LHC discovery reach Time reach in squark/gluino mass 1 month ~ 1.3 TeV 1 year ~ 1.8 TeV 3 years ~ 2.5 TeV ultimate up to ~ 3 TeV Neutralino mass can be measured to 10%  SUSY discovery and neutralino mass measurement at LHC can solve problem of universe cold dark matter

18 produced and observed at the LHC.
If theories with Extra-dimensions are true, mini black holes should be abundantly produced and observed at the LHC. They decay immediately  harmless …. Simulation of a black hole event with MBH ~ 8 TeV in ATLAS

19 Back in time toward the Universe origins …..
Universe cools down and energy density decreases with time LHC energy corresponds to the Universe energy ~10-10 s after the Big Bang we expect to observe/reproduce in the lab similar phenomena as at that time …


21 Are there links with astrophysics and cosmology ? Yes, many ….
s = 14 TeV corresponds to E ~ 100 PeV fixed target proton beam The LHC will be the first machine able to explore the high-E part of the cosmic ray spectrum

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