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Examples in Quantifying Flood Risk Doug Bellomo July 13, 2009 National Flood Risk Management Summit.

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Presentation on theme: "Examples in Quantifying Flood Risk Doug Bellomo July 13, 2009 National Flood Risk Management Summit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Examples in Quantifying Flood Risk Doug Bellomo July 13, 2009 National Flood Risk Management Summit

2 Risk Analysis Division — Risk MAP Risk MAP (Mapping, Assessment, Planning) Vision Through collaboration with State, Local, and Tribal entities, Risk MAP will deliver quality data that increases public awareness and leads to action that reduces risk to life and property.

3 Risk Analysis Division — Risk MAP Flood Hazard Data  Goal 1: Address gaps in flood hazard data to form a solid foundation for risk assessment, floodplain management and actuarial soundness of the National Flood Insurance Program. Flood Study Determination by Type

4 Risk Analysis Division — Risk MAP Public Awareness/Outreach  Goal 2: Ensure that a measurable increase of the public’s awareness and understanding of risk results in a measurable reduction of current and future vulnerability.

5 Risk Analysis Division — Risk MAP Hazard Mitigation Planning  Goal 3: Lead and support States, local, and Tribal communities to effectively engage in risk-based mitigation planning resulting in sustainable actions that reduce or eliminate risks to life and property from natural hazards.

6 Risk Analysis Division — Risk MAP Enhanced Digital Platform  Goal 4: Provide an enhanced digital platform that improves management of Risk MAP, stewards information produced by Risk MAP, and improves communication and sharing of risk data and related products to all levels of government and the public.

7 Risk Analysis Division — Risk MAP Alignment and Synergies  Goal 5: Align Risk Analysis programs and develop synergies to enhance decision making capabilities through effective risk communication and management.

8 Risk Analysis Division — Risk MAP Risk MAP Tools  Risk MAP tools to quantify risk may include: Base digital dataset Nationwide risk assessment Multiple frequency flood data Flood depth grids Risk-Based Solutions Tailored to Unique Community Requirements

9 Risk Analysis Division — Risk MAP Communities and Risk  Communities must use the tools and data to: Better Quantify Risk Plan Their Future Execute  “Cities routinely build in the flood plain…That's not an act of God; that's an act of City Council.” Source:, 6/19/09

10 Risk Analysis Division — Risk MAP Quantify and Track Flood Risk Time Plan/Higher Standards No Plan/NFIP Minimums

11 Risk Analysis Division — Risk MAP Quantifying Reduced Risk Risk – Expected Annualized Losses Built Environment Current (To) "c" Planned Future (Tn) "e" Actual Future (Tn) "a" Current (To) "c" Current Risk (Rcc) Expected Future Risk if Hazard Does not Change (Rec) Actual Risk if Hazard had not changed (Rac) Expected Future (Tn) "e" Expected Risk if Only Hazard Changes (Rce) Expected Future Risk (Ree) Actual Risk if Hazard changed as Expected (Rae) Actual Future (Tn) "a" Actual Risk if Only Hazard Changed (Rca) Actual Risk if Land Use Went as Planned (Rea) Actual Future Risk (Raa) Flood Hazard

12 Risk Analysis Division — Risk MAP Demonstrating Reduced Risk

13 Risk Analysis Division — Risk MAP

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