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CATALYST The CATALYST is to be done independently and silently. Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. Are mutations beneficial or harmful.

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Presentation on theme: "CATALYST The CATALYST is to be done independently and silently. Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. Are mutations beneficial or harmful."— Presentation transcript:

1 CATALYST The CATALYST is to be done independently and silently. Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. Are mutations beneficial or harmful to humans? What is cancer? How does cancer fit into our discussion on mutations? TIME REMAINING: 7:00 MINUTES

2 CATALYST The CATALYST is to be done independently and silently. Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. Are mutations beneficial or harmful to humans? What is cancer? How does cancer fit into our discussion on mutations? TIME REMAINING: 6:00 MINUTES

3 CATALYST The CATALYST is to be done independently and silently. Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. Are mutations beneficial or harmful to humans? What is cancer? How does cancer fit into our discussion on mutations? TIME REMAINING: 5:00 MINUTES

4 CATALYST The CATALYST is to be done independently and silently. Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. Are mutations beneficial or harmful to humans? What is cancer? How does cancer fit into our discussion on mutations? TIME REMAINING: 4:00 MINUTES

5 CATALYST The CATALYST is to be done independently and silently. Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. Are mutations beneficial or harmful to humans? What is cancer? How does cancer fit into our discussion on mutations? TIME REMAINING: 3:00 MINUTES

6 CATALYST The CATALYST is to be done independently and silently. Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. Are mutations beneficial or harmful to humans? What is cancer? How does cancer fit into our discussion on mutations? TIME REMAINING: 2:00 MINUTES

7 CATALYST The CATALYST is to be done independently and silently. Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. Are mutations beneficial or harmful to humans? What is cancer? How does cancer fit into our discussion on mutations? TIME REMAINING: 1:00 MINUTES

8 Silently and on your own, complete the task below When you are finished, put your pencil down and look up. Remain silent to allow others to finish. Answer the following questions : 2.Mutations in cells could lead to improper cell function genetic disease cancer all the above During transcription, an extra cytosine was placed in a gene region, throwing off the correct amino acid sequence. What type of mutation occurred? nonsense mutation substitution frameshift translocation CATALYST Time Remaining 2:00 Minutes

9 Silently and on your own, complete the task below When you are finished, put your pencil down and look up. Remain silent to allow others to finish. Answer the following questions : 2.Mutations in cells could lead to improper cell function genetic disease cancer all the above During transcription, an extra cytosine was placed in a gene region, throwing off the correct amino acid sequence. What type of mutation occurred? nonsense mutation substitution frameshift translocation CATALYST Time Remaining 1:00 Minutes

10 CATALYST The CATALYST is to be done independently and silently. Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. Are mutations beneficial or harmful to humans? What is cancer? How does cancer fit into our discussion on mutations?

11 Silently and on your own, complete the task below When you are finished, put your pencil down and look up. Remain silent to allow others to finish. Answer the following questions : 2.Mutations in cells could lead to improper cell function genetic disease cancer all the above During transcription, an extra cytosine was placed in a gene region, throwing off the correct amino acid sequence. What type of mutation occurred? nonsense mutation substitution frameshift translocation CATALYST

12 DNAmRNA proteins transcription translation Central Dogma Recap

13 Transcribe DNA to mRNA, then translate the mRNA strand to an amino acid sequence ATCGAA GGCATA CTAGCA TTCAGG AGTCAT UAGCUU CCGUAU GAUCGU AAGUCC UCAGUA Central Dogma Recap

14 Codon charts show amino acids produced from mRNA

15 Mutations Recap GENE MUTATIONS Point Mutation/Substitution Mutation Silent Mutation Missense Mutation Nonsense Mutation Frameshift Mutation Addition Deletion

16 Mutations Recap GENE MUTATIONS Point Mutation/Substitution Mutation Silent Mutation: amino acid stays the same Missense Mutation: amino acid changes to a different amino acid Nonsense Mutation: amino acid changes to a STOP codon Frameshift Mutation Addition: nucleotide added Deletion: nucleotide deleted







23 21st Century Medicine Genetic Engineering Stem Cells Gene Therapy Neuroscience Neurolaw Electronics (prosthetics and consumer products)

24 Impact of genomics on individuals and societies How does genetics affect our lives? Genomics and Biotechnology

25 Genetics can tell us…. If we will get a disease Who committed a crime Who fathered a baby

26 If you had a genetic disease, would you want to know? Ethics

27 Human Genome Project

28 Gene: sequence of DNA that codes for a protein Humans have about 25,000 genes


30 Genes are on chromosomes.

31 Human Genome Project Genome: an organisms ENTIRE sequence of base pairs (A, T, C & Gs) Humans have 3 BILLION base pairs in their genome

32 Genes code for diseases…. If we could read people’s genes, we could predict if they would get a disease… BUT we have to know what normal genes look like

33 The answer?

34 Human Genome Project

35 Human Genome Project identified all the genes in human DNA


37 know if somebody has a genetic disease treat genetic diseases by inserting genes into a person’s genome (called gene therapy) Human genome project helps us:


39 Can you think of any problems with the human genome project?

40 Electrophoresis

41 Genes can tell us who committed a crime

42 REMEMBER: everybody has their own DNA sequence

43 Electrophoresis Electrophoresis is used to tell who committed a crime or fathered a baby (paternity) Restriction enzymes: molecular scissors that cut DNA ONLY at certain places.

44 Gel electrophoresis: Step 1) cut DNA with restriction enzymes. Step 2) separate DNA using electricity (smallest pieces move furthest) Electrophoresis

45 The DNA of the crime scene matches the DNA of the criminal Electrophoresis


47 To solve gel electrophoresis problems: 1)Find the DNA sample to match Draw lines across for all of the bands Find the other DNA sample that matches the first sample


49 Genetic Engineering

50 Genetic engineering: adding genes from another organism Plants or animals that have genes from two different organisms (because of genetic engineering) are called transgenic. Genetic Engineering

51 +

52 Bacteria can be engineered to produce insulin (protein needed to treat diabetes)

53 Plants can be engineered to be resistant to diseases and pests

54 Cloning = make exact copies of organisms Scientists have cloned a sheep

55 Exit Ticket What is a genome? A list of chromosome mutations B entire DNA sequence of an organism C strand of DNA D list of synthesized proteins What is genetic engineering? What is the Human Genome Project? What is Gel Electrophoresis? Which pieces move the furthest in gel electrophoresis? The smallest or largest?

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