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1 Peter Fox GIS for Science ERTH 4750 (98271) Week 7, Friday, March 9, 2012 Lab: assignment (10%)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Peter Fox GIS for Science ERTH 4750 (98271) Week 7, Friday, March 9, 2012 Lab: assignment (10%)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Peter Fox GIS for Science ERTH 4750 (98271) Week 7, Friday, March 9, 2012 Lab: assignment (10%)

2 Earthquakes… Start with Make a thematic map of earthquakes - see Make a particular selection – be prepared to say why Part 1. Make two thematic maps a) in which symbol colors represent earthquake depth ranges and b) symbol sizes represent magnitudes. Part 2. Select a region of high earthquake activity and find some data on lists of global volcanoes ( ). Note this is current AND past. Put them on the same map Any preliminary conclusion? 2

3 Literacy ( Make a thematic map of the literacy rate among the world's countries. Make another map for the ratio of rural to urban inhabitants, using similar coloring schemes. Put these two maps on the same layout page and think about whether or not you see a correlation between literacy rates and rural inhabitants. 3

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