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CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output Built-In (a.k.a. Native) Types in C++ int, long, short, char (signed, integer division) –unsigned versions too.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output Built-In (a.k.a. Native) Types in C++ int, long, short, char (signed, integer division) –unsigned versions too."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output Built-In (a.k.a. Native) Types in C++ int, long, short, char (signed, integer division) –unsigned versions too unsigned int, unsigned long, etc. –C++ guarantees a char is one byte in size –Sizes of other types are platform dependent –Can determine using sizeof(), INT_MAX float, double (floating point division) –More expensive in space and time –Useful when you need to describe continuous quantities bool type –Logic type, takes on values true, false

2 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output User (& Library) DefinedTypes in C++ enumerations enum primary_color {red, blue, yellow}; functions and operators –For example, things called from main function structs and classes –Similar abstractions in C++, extend C structs

3 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output Comparing C++ Classes and Structs struct My_Data { My_Data (int i) : x_(i) {} int x_; }; class My_Object { public: My_Object (); ~My_Object (); private: int y_; }; Struct members are public by default Class members are private by default Both can have –Constructors –Destructors –Member variables –Member functions Common practice: –use structs for data –use classes for objects with non-trivial methods

4 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output More About Both Native and User Types Pointers –raw memory address of an object or variable –its type constrains what types it can point to (more later) –can take on a value of 0 (not pointing to anything) References –“alias” for an object or variable –its type constrains what types it can refer to (more later) –cannot be 0 (always references something else) Mutable (default) vs. const types (read right to left) const int i; // read-only declaration int j; // readable and writable declaration

5 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output Scopes in C++ Each symbol is associated with a scope –The entire program (global scope) –A namespace (namespace scope) –Members of a class (class scope) –A function (function scope) –A block (block scope) A symbol is only visible within its scope –Helps hide unneeded details (abstraction) –Helps prevent symbol conflicts (encapsulation)

6 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output Why Use Namespaces? Classes encapsulate behavior (methods) and state (member data) behind an interface Structs are similar, but with state accessible Classes and structs are used to specify self- contained, cohesive abstractions –Can say what class/struct does in one sentence What if we want to describe more loosely related collections of state and behavior? Could use a class or struct –But that dilutes their design intent

7 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output Namespaces C++ offers an appropriate scoping mechanism for loosely related aggregates: Namespaces –Good for large function collections E.g., a set of related algorithms and function objects –Good for general purpose collections E.g., program utilities, performance statistics, etc. Declarative region –Where a variable/function can be declared Potential scope –Where a variable/function can be used –From where declared to end of declarative region

8 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output Namespace Properties Declared/(re)opened with namespace keyword namespace Foo {int baz_;} namespace Foo {int fxn() {return baz_;}} Access members using scoping operator :: std::cout << “hello world!” << std::endl; Everything not declared in another namespace is in the global (program-wide) namespace Can nest namespace declarations namespace Foo {namespace Err {…}}

9 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output Using Namespaces The using keyword makes elements visible –Only applies to the current scope Can add entire namespace to current scope using namespace std; cout << “hello, world!” << endl; Can introduce elements selectively using std::cout; cout << “hello, world!” << std::endl; Can also declare unnamed namespaces –Elements are visible after the declaration namespace {int i_; // i_ is now visible }

10 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output C++ string Class #include using namespace std; int main (int, char*[]) { string s; // empty s = “”; // empty s = “hello”; s += “, ”; s = s + “world!”; cout << s << endl; // prints: hello, world! return 0; } header file Various constructors Assignment operator Overloaded operators += + = == [] The last one is really useful: indexes string if (s[0] == ‘h’) …

11 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output Using C++ vs. C-style Strings #include using namespace std; int main (int, char*[]) { char * w = “world”; string sw = “world”; char * h = “hello, ”; string sh = “hello, ”; cout << (h < w) << endl; // 0: why? cout << (sh < sw) << endl; // 1:why? h += w; // illegal: why? sh += sw; cout << h << endl; cout << sh << endl; return 0; } C-style strings are contiguous arrays of char –Often accessed through pointers to char ( char * ) C++ string class (template) provides a rich set of overloaded operators Often C++ strings do “what you would expect” as a programmer Often C-style strings do “what you would expect” as a machine designer Suggestion: use C++ style strings any time you need to change, concatenate, etc.

12 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output C++ Input/Output Stream Classes #include using namespace std; int main (int, char*[]) { int i; // cout == std ostream cout << “how many?” << endl; // cin == std istream cin >> i; cout << “You said ” << i << “.” << endl; return 0; } header file –Use istream for input –Use ostream for output Overloaded operators << ostream insertion operator >> istream extraction operator Other methods –ostream: write, put –istream: get, eof, good, clear Stream manipulators –ostream: flush, endl, setwidth, setprecision, hex, boolalpha

13 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output C++ File I/O Stream Classes #include using namespace std; int main () { ifstream ifs; (“in.txt”); ofstream ofs (“out.txt”); if (ifs.is_open () && ofs.is_open ()) { int i; ifs >> i; ofs << i; } ifs.close (); ofs.close (); return 0; } header file –Use ifstream for input –Use ofstream for output Other methods –open, is_open, close –getline –seekg, seekp File modes –in, out, ate, app, trunc, binary

14 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output C++ String Stream Classes #include using namespace std; int main (int, char*[]) { ifstream ifs (“in.txt”); if (ifs.is_open ()) { string line_1, word_1; getline (ifs, line_1); istringstream iss (line_1); iss >> word_1; cout << word_1 << endl; } return 0; } header file –Use istringstream for input –Use ostringstream for output Useful for scanning input –Get a line from file into string –Wrap string in a stream –Pull words off the stream Useful for formatting output –Use string as format buffer –Wrap string in a stream –Push formatted values into stream –Output formatted string to file

15 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output Using C++ String Stream Classes #include using namespace std; int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 3) return 1; ostringstream argsout; argsout << argv[1] << “ ” << argv[2]; istringstream argsin (argsout.str()); float f,g; argsin >> f; argsin >> g; cout << f << “ / ” << g << “ is ” << f/g << endl; return 0; } Program gets arguments as C-style strings But let’s say we wanted to input floating point values from the command line Formatting is tedious and error-prone in C-style strings ( sprintf etc.) iostream formatting is friendly Can we get there from here?

16 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output Storing Other Data Types Than char There are many options to store non-char data in C++ –Differ in complexity, ease of use Native C-style arrays –Can not add or remove positions –Can index positions directly –Not necessarily zero-terminated (why?) STL list container (bi-linked list) –Add/remove positions on either end –Cannot index positions directly STL vector container (“back stack”) –Can add/remove positions at the back –Can index positions directly X 01 234 X X 01 234

17 CSE 332: C++ data types, input, and output A Quick Look at Vectors Goals –Give you a good basic data structure to use for now –Cover its correct usage –Start understanding why Vectors: nicer than arrays –Less to manage/remember –Harder to get things wrong (but still need to be careful) Example to the left prints v[0] is 1 v[1] is 2 v[2] is 4 #include using namespace std; int main (int, char *[]) { vector v; // This would be asking for trouble.... // v[0] = 1; v[1] = 2; v[2] = 4; //... but this works fine... v.push_back (1); v.push_back (2); v.push_back (4); //... and now this is ok... for (size_t s = 0; s < v.size(); ++s) { cout << "v[" << s << "] is " << v[s] << endl; } return 0; }

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