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WEEK 4 ET2640 Logic and Numerical Methods 1ET2640.

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1 WEEK 4 ET2640 Logic and Numerical Methods 1ET2640

2 2 Tokens in C String Literals –A sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes as “…”. For example “13” is a string literal and not number 13. ‘a’ and “a” are different. Operators –Arithmetic operators like +, -, *, /,% etc. –Logical operators like ||, &&, ! etc. and so on. White Spaces –Spaces, new lines, tabs, comments ( A sequence of characters enclosed in /* and */ ) etc. These are used to separate the adjacent identifiers, kewords and constants.

3 ET26403 Basic Data Types Integral Types –Integers are stored in various sizes. They can be signed or unsigned. –Example Suppose an integer is represented by a byte (8 bits). Leftmost bit is sign bit. If the sign bit is 0, the number is treated as positive. Bit pattern 01001011 = 75 (decimal). The largest positive number is 01111111 = 2 7 – 1 = 127. Negative numbers are stored as two’s complement or as one’s complement. -75 = 10110100 (one’s complement). -75 = 10110101 (two’s complement).

4 ET26404 Basic Data Types Integral Types – char Stored as 8 bits. Unsigned 0 to 255. Signed -128 to 127. – short int Stored as 16 bits. Unsigned 0 to 65535. Signed -32768 to 32767. – int Same as either short or long int. – long int Stored as 32 bits. Unsigned 0 to 4294967295. Signed -2147483648 to 2147483647

5 ET26405 Basic Data Types Floating Point Numbers –Floating point numbers are rational numbers. Always signed numbers. –float Approximate precision of 6 decimal digits. Typically stored in 4 bytes with 24 bits of signed mantissa and 8 bits of signed exponent. –double Approximate precision of 14 decimal digits. Typically stored in 8 bytes with 56 bits of signed mantissa and 8 bits of signed exponent. –One should check the file limits.h to what is implemented on a particular machine.

6 ET2640 6 Constants Numerical Constants –Constants like 12, 253 are stored as int type. No decimal point. –12L or 12l are stored as long int. –12U or 12u are stored as unsigned int. –12UL or 12ul are stored as unsigned long int. –Numbers with a decimal point (12.34) are stored as double. –Numbers with exponent (12e-3 = 12 x 10 -3 ) are stored as double. –12.34f or 1.234e1f are stored as float. –These are not valid constants: 25,0007.1e 4$2002.3e-3.4 etc.

7 ET26407 Constants Character and string constants –‘c’, a single character in single quotes are stored as char. Some special character are represented as two characters in single quotes. ‘\n’ = newline, ‘\t’ = tab, ‘\\’ = backlash, ‘\”’ = double quotes. Char constants also can be written in terms of their ASCII code. ‘\060’ = ‘0’ (Decimal code is 48). –A sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes is called a string constant or string literal. For example “Charu” “A” “3/9” “x = 5”

8 ET26408 Variables Naming a Variable –Must be a valid identifier. –Must not be a keyword –Names are case sensitive. –Variables are identified by only first 32 characters. –Library commonly uses names beginning with _. –Naming Styles: Uppercase style and Underscore style –lowerLimitlower_limit –incomeTaxincome_tax

9 ET2640 9 Declarations Declaring a Variable –Each variable used must be declared. –A form of a declaration statement is data-type var1, var2,…; –Declaration announces the data type of a variable and allocates appropriate memory location. No initial value (like 0 for integers) should be assumed. –It is possible to assign an initial value to a variable in the declaration itself. data-type var = expression; –Examples int sum = 0; char newLine = ‘\n’; float epsilon = 1.0e-6;

10 ET264010 Global and Local Variables Global Variables –These variables are declared outside all functions. –Life time of a global variable is the entire execution period of the program. –Can be accessed by any function defined below the declaration, in a file. /* Compute Area and Perimeter of a circle */ #include float pi = 3.14159; /* Global */ main() { floatrad;/* Local */ printf( “Enter the radius “ ); scanf(“%f”, &rad); if ( rad > 0.0 ) { float area = pi * rad * rad; float peri = 2 * pi * rad; printf( “Area = %f\n”, area ); printf( “Peri = %f\n”, peri ); } else printf( “Negative radius\n”); printf( “Area = %f\n”, area ); } /* Compute Area and Perimeter of a circle */ #include float pi = 3.14159; /* Global */ main() { floatrad;/* Local */ printf( “Enter the radius “ ); scanf(“%f”, &rad); if ( rad > 0.0 ) { float area = pi * rad * rad; float peri = 2 * pi * rad; printf( “Area = %f\n”, area ); printf( “Peri = %f\n”, peri ); } else printf( “Negative radius\n”); printf( “Area = %f\n”, area ); }

11 ET264011 Global and Local Variables Local Variables –These variables are declared inside some functions. –Life time of a local variable is the entire execution period of the function in which it is defined. –Cannot be accessed by any other function. –In general variables declared inside a block are accessible only in that block. /* Compute Area and Perimeter of a circle */ #include float pi = 3.14159; /* Global */ main() { floatrad;/* Local */ printf( “Enter the radius “ ); scanf(“%f”, &rad); if ( rad > 0.0 ) { float area = pi * rad * rad; float peri = 2 * pi * rad; printf( “Area = %f\n”, area ); printf( “Peri = %f\n”, peri ); } else printf( “Negative radius\n”); printf( “Area = %f\n”, area );} /* Compute Area and Perimeter of a circle */ #include float pi = 3.14159; /* Global */ main() { floatrad;/* Local */ printf( “Enter the radius “ ); scanf(“%f”, &rad); if ( rad > 0.0 ) { float area = pi * rad * rad; float peri = 2 * pi * rad; printf( “Area = %f\n”, area ); printf( “Peri = %f\n”, peri ); } else printf( “Negative radius\n”); printf( “Area = %f\n”, area );}

12 PRECEDENCDE OF OPERATORS ET2640 12 OPERATORDESCRIPTIONASSOCATIVITYRANK ( )Function callLeft-to-right1 [ ]Array Element CallLeft-to-right1 +PlusRight-to-left2 -MinusRight-to-left2 ++IncrementRight-to-left2 --DecrementRight-to-left2 !Logical negationRight-to-left2 -Ones ComplimentRight-to-left2 *Pointer reference(indirection) Right-to-left2 &AddressRight-to-left2 SizeofSize of objectRight-to-left2 (type)Type cast conversionRight-to-left2 *MultiplicationLeft-to-right3 /DivisionLeft-to-right3 %ModulusLeft-to-right3 +AdditionLeft-to-right4 -SubtractionLeft-to-right4

13 Precedence and Order of Operations ET264013 Operat or Descriptions <<Shift Left >>Shift Right <Less than <=Less than or equal to >Greater than >=Great than or equal to ==Equality !=Not equality &Bitwise AND *Bitwise XOR |Bitwise OR &&Logical AND ||Logical OR ?:Conditional Expression

14 ET264014 Operators Arit hmetic Operators –+, -, *, / and the modulus operator %. –+ and – have the same precedence and associate left to right. 3 – 5 + 7 = ( 3 – 5 ) + 7  3 – ( 5 + 7 ) 3 + 7 – 5 + 2 = ( ( 3 + 7 ) – 5 ) + 2 –*, /, % have the same precedence and associate left to right. –The +, - group has lower precendence than the *, / % group. 3 – 5 * 7 / 8 + 6 / 2 3 – 35 / 8 + 6 / 2 3 – 4.375 + 6 / 2 3 – 4.375 + 3 -1.375 + 3 1.625

15 ET2640 15 Operators Arithmetic Operators –% is a modulus operator. x % y results in the remainder when x is divided by y and is zero when x is divisible by y. –Cannot be applied to float or double variables. –Example if ( num % 2 == 0 ) printf(“%d is an even number\n”, num)’; else printf(“%d is an odd number\n”, num);

16 ET264016 Type Conversions –The operands of a binary operator must have a the same type and the result is also of the same type. – Integer division: c = (9 / 5)*(f - 32) The operands of the division are both int and hence the result also would be int. For correct results, one may write c = (9.0 / 5.0)*(f - 32) –In case the two operands of a binary operator are different, but compatible, then they are converted to the same type by the compiler. The mechanism (set of rules) is called Automatic Type Casting. c = (9.0 / 5)*(f - 32) –It is possible to force a conversion of an operand. This is called Explicit Type casting. c = ((float) 9 / 5)*(f - 32)

17 ET264017 Automatic Type Casting 1.char and short operands are converted to int 2.Lower data types are converted to the higher data types and result is of higher type. 3.The conversions between unsigned and signed types may not yield intuitive results. 4.Example float f; double d; long l; int i; short s; d + f f will be converted to double i / s s will be converted to int l / i i is converted to long ; long result Hierarchy Double float long Int Short and char

18 ET264018 Explicit Type Casting –The general form of a type casting operator is –(type-name) expression –It is generally a good practice to use explicit casts than to rely on automatic type conversions. –Example C = (float)9 / 5 * ( f – 32 ) –float to int conversion causes truncation of fractional part –double to float conversion causes rounding of digits –long int to int causes dropping of the higher order bits.

19 19 Binary Arithmetic Binary addition Binary subtraction Binary multiplication Binary division ET2640

20 20 Complements of Binary Numbers 1’s complements 2’s complements ET2640

21 21 Complements of Binary Numbers 1’s complement Change all 1s to 0s and all 0s to 1s 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 ET2640

22 22 Complements of Binary Numbers 2’s complement Find 1’s complement and then add 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 Input bits Adder Output bits (sum) Carry In (add 1) 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 2’s complement 1’s complement ET2640

23 23 Signed Numbers ET2640

24 24 Topics for Signed Numbers Signed-magnitude form 1’s and 2’s complement form Decimal value of signed numbers (How to convert) Range of values (max and min) Floating-point numbers ET2640

25 25 Signed Numbers Signed-magnitude form –The sign bit is the left-most bit in a signed binary number –A 0 sign bit indicates a positive magnitude –A 1 sign bit indicates a negative magnitude ET2640

26 26 Signed Numbers 1’s complement form –A negative value is the 1’s complement of the corresponding positive value 2’s complement form –A negative value is the 2’s complement of the corresponding positive value ET2640

27 27 Signed Numbers Decimal value of signed numbers –Sign-magnitude –1’s complement –2’s complement ET2640

28 28 Signed Numbers Range of Values Total combinations = 2 n 2’s complement form: – (2 n – 1 ) to + (2 n – 1 – 1) Range for 8 bit number: n = 8 -(2 8-1 ) = -2 7 = -128 minimum +(2 8-1 ) – 1 = +2 7 - 1 = +127 maximum Total combination of numbers is 2 8 = 256. ET2640

29 29 Signed Numbers Range for 16 bit number: n = 16 -(2 16-1 ) = -2 15 = -32768 minimum +(2 16-1 ) - 1 = +2 15 = +32767 maximum Total combinations is 2 16 = 65536 (64K) 8 bit examples: 10000000 = -128 11111111 = 10000001 =-127 01111111 =+127 ET2640

30 30 Signed Numbers Floating-point numbers –Can represent very large or very small numbers based on scientific notation. Binary point “floats”. Two Parts –Mantissa represents magnitude of number –Exponent represents number of places that binary point is to be moved Three forms –Single-precision (32 bits)float –Double-precision (64 bits)double –Extended-precision (80 bits)long double –Also have Quadruple and Quadruple extended! ET2640

31 31 Single Precision IEEE 754 standard –Mantissa (F) has hidden bit so actually has 24 bits. Gives 7 significant figures. 1 st bit in mantissa is always a one –Exponent (E) is biased by 127 called Excess-127 Notation Add 127 to exponent so easier to compare Range of exponents is -126 to +128 –Sign (S) bit tells whether number is negative or positive S Exponent (E)Mantissa (fraction, F) 32 bits 1 bit 8 bits 23 bits ET2640

32 32 Single Precision Example: Convert 5777 10 to Floating Point 1 st, convert to binary using divide by 2 method 5777 10 = 1011010010001 2 Positive number, so sign bit (S) equals 0. 2 nd, count number of places to move binary point 1011010010001 2 = 1.011010010001 x 2 12 Add 127 to 12 = 139 10 = 10001011 2 Mantissa is fractional part, 011010010001 Finally, put everything together 0 1000101101101001000100000000000 S E F Fill in with trailing zeroes ET2640

33 33 Special Cases Zero and infinity are special cases –Can have +0 or -0 depending on sign bit –Can also have + ∞ or - ∞ Not a Number (NaN) –if underflow or overflow TypeExponentMantissa Zeroes00 Denormalized numbers0non zero Normalized numbers1 to 2 e − 2any Infinities2 e − 10 NaNs2 e − 1non zero ET2640

34 34 Examples TypeExponentMantissaValue Zero0000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00000.0 One0111 1111000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00001.0 Denormalized number 0000 100 0000 0000 0000 0000 00005.9×10 -39 Large normalized number 1111 1110111 1111 1111 1111 1111 11113.4×10 38 Small normalized number 0000 0001000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00001.18×10 -38 Infinity1111 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000Infinity NaN1111 010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000NaN ET2640

35 35 Double Precision Exponent has 11 bits so uses Excess-1023 Notation Mantissa has 53 bits (one hidden) 53 bits gives 16 significant figures ET2640

36 36 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division ET2640

37 37 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers Addition of Signed Numbers The parts of an addition function are: –Augend - The first number –Addend - The second number –Sum - The result Numbers are always added two at a time. ET2640

38 38 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers Four conditions for adding numbers: 1. Both numbers are positive. 2. A positive number that is larger than a negative number. 3. A negative number that is larger than a positive number. 4. Both numbers are negative. ET2640

39 39 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers Signs for Addition When both numbers are positive, the sum is positive. When the larger number is positive and the smaller is negative, the sum is positive. The carry is discarded. ET2640

40 40 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers Signs for Addition When the larger number is negative and the smaller is positive, the sum is negative (2’s complement form). When both numbers are negative, the sum is negative (2’s complement form). The carry bit is discarded. ET2640

41 41 Examples (8 bit numbers) Add 7 and 4 (both positive) Add 15 and -6 (positive > negative) Add 16 and -24 (negative > positive) Add -5 and -9 (both negative) 00000111 7 +00000100 +4 00001011 11 00001111 15 +11111010 +-6 1 00001001 9 Discard carry 00010000 16 +11101000 +-24 11111000 -8 Sign bit is negative so negative number in 2’s complement form 11111011 -5 +11110111 + -9 1 11110010 -14 Discard carry ET2640

42 42 Overflow Overflow occurs when number of bits in sum exceeds number of bits in addend or augend. Overflow is indicated by the wrong sign. Occurs only when both numbers are positive or both numbers are negative 01111101126 +00111010 + 58 _________ ____ 10110111183 Sign Incorrect Magnitude Incorrect ET2640

43 43 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers Subtraction of Signed Numbers The parts of a subtraction function are: –Minuend- The first number –Subtrahend- The second number –Difference- The result Subtraction is addition with the sign of the subtrahend changed. ET2640

44 44 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers Subtraction The sign of a positive or negative binary number is changed by taking its 2’s complement To subtract two signed numbers, take the 2’s complement of the subtrahend and add. Discard any final carry bit. ET2640

45 45 Subtraction Examples Find 8 minus 3. Find 12 minus -9. Find -25 minus 19. Find -120 minus -30. 00001000 8 +11111101 -3 1 00000101 5 Discard carry Minuend Subtrahend Difference 11100111 -25 +11101101 - 19 1 11010100 -44 Discard carry 00001100 12 +00001001 - -9 00010101 21 10001000 -120 +00011110 - -30 10100110 -90 ET2640

46 46 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers Multiplication of Signed Numbers The parts of a multiplication function are: –Multiplicand- First number –Multiplier- Second number –Product- Result Multiplication is equivalent to adding a number to itself a number of times equal to the multiplier. ET2640

47 47 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers There are two methods for multiplication: Direct addition –add multiplicand multiple times equal to the multiplier –Can take a long time if multiplier is large Partial products –Similar to long hand multiplication The method of partial products is the most commonly used. ET2640

48 48 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers Multiplication of Signed Numbers If the signs are the same, the product is positive. (+ X + = + or - X - = +) If the signs are different, the product is negative. (+ X - = - or - X + = -) ET2640

49 49 Multiplication Example Both numbers must be in uncomplemented form Multiply 3 by -5. Opposite signs, so product will be negative. 3 10 = 00000011 2 -5 10 = 11111011 2 2’s complement of -5 00000101 00000011 Multiplicand X 00000101 Multiplier 00000011 First partial product + 0000000 Second partial product 00000011 Sum of 1 st and 2 nd + 000011 Third partial product 00001111 Sum and Final Product Final result is negative, so take 2’s complement. 11110001 is the result which in decimal is -15. ET2640

50 50 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers Division of Signed Numbers The parts of a division operation are: –Dividend –Divisor –Quotient Division is equivalent to subtracting the divisor from the dividend a number of times equal to the quotient. ET2640

51 51 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers Division of Signed Numbers If the signs are the same, the quotient is positive. (+ ÷ + = + or - ÷ - = +) If the signs are different, the quotient is negative. (+ ÷ - = - or - ÷ + = - ) ET2640

52 52 Division Example Both numbers must be in uncomplemented form Divide 01100100 by 00110010. Both numbers are positive so quotient will be positive. Set the quotient to zero initially. 01100100 Dividend + 11001110 2’s complement of Divisor 1 00110010 First partial remainder Add 1 to quotient: 00000000 + 1 = 00000001 quotient: 00000000 Subtract the divisor from the dividend by using 2’s complement addition. (11001110) Ignore the carry bit. 00110010 First partial remainder + 11001110 2’s complement of Divisor 1 00000000 zero remainder Add 1 to quotient: 00000001 + 1 = 00000010 Subtract the divisor from the 1 st partial remainder using 2’s complement addition. So final quotient is 00000010 and final remainder is 00000000 ET2640

53 Logical, Shift and Rotate Operations  A particular bit, or set of bits, within the byte can be set to 1 or 0, depending on conditions encountered during the execution of a program.  When so used, these bits are often called "flags".  Frequently, the programmer must manipulate these individual bits - an activity sometimes known as "bit twiddling".  The logical, shift, and rotate operations provide the means for manipulating the bits. ET264053

54 Logical OR Rules OR Operations OR Results in 1 if either or both of the operands are 1. OR Table 0 OR 0 = 0 0 OR 1 = 1 1 OR 0 = 1 1 OR 1 = 1 ET264054

55 Logical OR Operation To perform the OR operation, take one column at a time and perform the OR operation using the OR table. Ex 1: 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 OR0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 ET264055

56 Logical OR Examples Ex 3: 0 1 1 1 OR0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 Ex 2: 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 OR0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 ET264056

57 Logical XOR Rules XOR Operations The exclusive OR. Similar to OR except that it now gives 0 when both its operands are 1. Rules. 0 XOR 0 = 0 0 XOR 1 = 1 1 XOR 0 = 1 1 XOR 1 = 0 ET2640 57

58 Logical XOR Examples Ex 1:1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 XOR0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 Ex 2: 0 1 1 1 XOR0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 ET264058

59 Logical AND Rules AND Operations AND yields 1 only if both its operands are 1. Rules. 0 AND 0 = 0 0 AND 1 = 0 1 AND 0 = 0 1 AND 1 = 1 ET264059

60 Logical AND Examples Ex 1: 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 AND 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Ex 2: 0 1 1 1 AND 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ET264060

61 Logical NOT NOT Operations NOT is a separate operator for flipping the bits. Rules. NOT 0 = 1 NOT 1 = 0 Example.NOT1 0 1 0 = 0 1 0 1 ET264061

62 Shift and Rotate operations Whereas logical operations allow the changing of bit values in place, SHIFT and ROTATE operations allow bits to be moved left or right without changing their values. ET264062

63 Shift Left operation SHL SHL (shift left) shifts each bit one place to the left. The original leftmost bit is lost and a 0 is shifted into the rightmost position. Ex 1.SHL1 1 0 1 Ex 2.SHL1 1 0 0 = 1 0 0 0 01 1 0 1 = 1 0 1 0 ET264063

64 Shift Left - Multiple Bits SHL # bits means to shift left # times Ex 1: SHL 31 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 Ex 2: SHL 21 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 = 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0= 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ET264064

65 Shift Right operation SHR SHR (shift right) shifts each bit one place to the right. The original rightmost bit is lost and a 0 is shifted into the leftmost position. Ex 1.SHR1 0 1 1 Ex 2.SHR0 0 1 1 = 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 = 0 1 0 1 ET264065

66 Shift Right – Multiple Bits SHR # bits means to shift right # times Ex 1: SHR 31 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 = 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 Ex 2: SHR 21 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 = 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 ET264066

67 Arithmetic Shift Right operation ASR (retains rightmost sign bit) Shifts each bit one place to the right. The original rightmost bit is lost and a the value of the most significant bit (leftmost bit) is shifted into the new leftmost position. Ex 1.ASR1 0 1 1 Ex 2.ASR0 0 1 1 = 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1= 1 1 0 1 ET264067

68 Arithmetic Shift Right – Multiple Bits ASR # bits means to arithmetic shift right # times Ex 1: ASR 31 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 = 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 Ex 2: ASR 20 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 = 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 ET264068

69 Rotate Left operation ROL ROL (rotate left) shifts each bit one place to the left. The original leftmost bit is shifted into the rightmost position. No bits are lost. Ex 1.ROL1 1 0 1 Ex 2. ROL1 1 0 0 = 1 0 0 1 1 0 11 ET264069

70 Rotate Left – Multiple Bits ROL # bits means to rotate left # times Ex 1: ROL 31 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 = 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 Ex 2: ROL 21 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 = 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 ET264070

71 Rotate Right operation ROR ROR (rotate right) shifts each bit one place to the right. The original rightmost bit is shifted into the leftmost position. No bits are lost. Ex 1.ROR1 0 1 1 Ex 2.ROR0 0 1 1 = 1 0 0 1 1 0 11 ET264071

72 Rotate Right – Multiple Bits ROR # bits means to rotate right # times Ex 1: ROR 31 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 = 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 Ex 2: ROR 21 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 = 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 ET264072

73 73 Hexadecimal Numbers ET2640

74 74 Hexadecimal Numbers Decimal, binary, and hexadecimal numbers 4 bits is a nibble FF 16 = 255 10 ET2640

75 75 Hexadecimal Numbers Binary-to-hexadecimal conversion Hexadecimal-to-decimal conversion Decimal-to-hexadecimal conversion ET2640

76 76 Hexadecimal Numbers Binary-to-hexadecimal conversion 1.Break the binary number into 4-bit groups 2.Replace each group with the hexadecimal equivalent Convert 1100101001010111 to Hex C A 5 7 = CA57 16 Convert 10A4 16 to binary 0001 0000 1010 0100 = 0001000010100100 ET2640

77 77 Hexadecimal Numbers Hexadecimal-to-decimal conversion 1.Convert the hexadecimal to groups of 4-bit binary 2.Convert the binary to decimal ET2640

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