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Statement – Legal form Internationally legally binding second commitment period under the KP is essential Legally binding commitments and actions are essential.

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Presentation on theme: "Statement – Legal form Internationally legally binding second commitment period under the KP is essential Legally binding commitments and actions are essential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statement – Legal form Internationally legally binding second commitment period under the KP is essential Legally binding commitments and actions are essential under the LCA as well These are linked Binding commitments needed to ensure delivery of necessary emission reductions

2 Questions Why is a two track outcome problematic in your view? When you say single legally-binding agreement: – how is this different from what you already have on the table? – How do you propose to get there? You have mentioned “extending” the Kyoto Protocol – what do you mean by this? Is this different from a second commitment period?

3 Increasing the level of mitigation ambition The level of ambition of Annex I Parties is insufficient based on what the science demands Current ambition levels are inconsistent with even the 2 degree limit endorsed by all Annex I countries All countries must reduce their emissions Annex I Parties must take the lead The EU must increase its level of ambition, without any conditionalities – this is a moral responsibility

4 Questions LULUCF rules and exceptions, cap Surplus AAUs New gases Workshop on ways and means to increase the level of ambition

5 Mitigation Ambition questions How do you propose to raise your level of ambition? In what ways do you think global mitigation ambition can be increased?

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