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CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 New Windows Strategy Frédéric Hemmer.

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Presentation on theme: "CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 New Windows Strategy Frédéric Hemmer."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 New Windows Strategy Frédéric Hemmer

2 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 2 Outline q Windows desktop evolution q Server short term evolution q Windows 2000 Server

3 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 3 Windows desktop today q Windows 95 q Windows NT q Most supported applications are remote q Local NICE Mirror for unconnected Portables

4 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 4 Windows desktop short term needs q Windows 95 q At least Windows 95 Year 2000 software update needed q Windows NT q At least Service Pack 4 if not 5 needs to be applied q SP4 (Y2K) is being applied … q SP5 (Y2K) needs to be applied

5 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 5 Windows 95 problems Y2K (examples) q Date Tab in Find Files (e.g. 03/20/2003  03/20/C3) q Dates in File Manager q Date in cmd. int. not valid for 00->79 q Date/Time picker q Date in Control panel q Xcopy /d q msvrct40.dll between April 1- >8, 2001 Others q q Large disk (also BIOS issue) q q Multicast (NDIS.VXD) q q USB (Scanners, Cameras, etc…) q q Some apps would not install (e.g. AutoCad …)

6 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 6 Possible options for Windows 95 Options q Do nothing q Windows 95 SP1 q Windows 95 OSR2 q Windows 98 q Windows NT q Windows 2000 Professional Problems USB, disk, apps All OK ? USB ? Y2K, wait “W99”/SP1 USB, EDH etc. EDH etc. Effort needed None Medium¹ High Medium High ¹ ¹ Partly applied, some registry settings incorrect

7 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 7 Windows desktop Preferences Mainly dictated by manpower available q Skip Windows 98 q Freeze Windows 95 after Y2K SP + few fixes q Encourage move to NT for large disk q Provide missing apps on NT (Diane, etc…) q Prototype Windows 2000 (desktop) - Target MS release + 1-2 months NT Issues q Some applications missing on NT (Edh, Bht, HR ?, but anyway won’t pass Dec. 1999) q USB q Change user perception of NT “slowness”

8 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 8 BUT... q Strong voices at the last NTC for q Don’t change (PE, SPL) q Windows 98 is a must (SL, EST) q However q NICE 98 will take months/year(s) q NICE 98 with local apps. Even more work q What is really missing/ not working in NICE NT

9 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 9 Problems with applications under NICE/NT ¹  1-Applications  MS Publisher: doesn’t start  00-Other Office versions  3- Access (16 bit): doesn’t start  More Appl.  0-Accessories  Clipboard Viewer (16 bit)  Charmap (16 bit)  Desk Tools: why they are there ?  Obsolete Applications: why keep them ?  1-System Configuration  01-PC Admin.  All … Create NICE disks …. Only W95: why keep them ?  11-Recover unaccessable files (16 bit): why keep it ?  2-Communications  CERN dial -up networking: Error … can’t change directory  4a-NCD Terminal 3 (16 bit): why keep it ?  5-EDH, BHT  BHT; doesn’t start  EDH (W3.1): why keep it ?  EDH (W95): why keep it ?  Foundation (16 bit): why keep it ?  6-Shareware  9b-Power Point Viewer: doesn’t work  Any … NICE documentations: Error: Z:\npdocs\….. not found ¹ Courtesy from H. Wendler/EP - June 1998

10 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 10 Desktop local applications q Major effort q Issue is how to manage the installed apps q Mgmt Programs would need to be redeveloped q Home directories access may look slow q This seems to be really solved with Windows 2000 (IntelliMirror, SMS 2.0)  Develop local apps with Windows 2000  Allow for monitored local installs initiated by the user  Home directories are cached in W2K q Licensing issues ?

11 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 11 Servers q Today q Home, Apps, Print servers (NetWare 4.11) q PDC, BDC, Profile, etc. servers (NT 4.0) q Local experiment’s servers (NT 4.0) q Local divisional servers (NetWare 4.11, NT 4.0) q All NetWare servers going to SP6, TSKZERFX.NLM q All NT servers going to SP 4/5

12 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 12 Servers Issues q Stability q Old hardware q Mixed Ppro@200, PII@300, 256/512 MB, but consistent q Performance problems ? q Users complain about slow access (B 112, 197)  Need more analysis q Global organization is division centric q Historical q Does not allow easily to be experiment centric q Changes affect too many people at the same time q Disk space policy q Home directories q “Project” space (divisional servers) q Lack of widespread knowledge of NetWare

13 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 13 Servers restructuration (1) q Go to a “group” structure q For example SRV_EST\Users\Fred SRV_EST\Survey\Data SRV_EST\Survey\Archive\Photos SRV_LHCB\Users\James SRV_LHCB\Controls\…  Isolation from global server failures  Installed software remains under “group” control  Local structure under “group” control  Allows for easier local admin. Delegation  But need for a “move user” facility  Decentralization possible (e.g. PS, Isolde) Division centric Experiment centric } }

14 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 14 Server restructuration (2) q Beef-up hardware (group) q ISP style of rack-mounted servers q Target at Max achievable network bandwith (35 MB/s) q Allow for enough spindles  Fast access q RAID 5  Resilience  Ease of operaton

15 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 15 Server Restructuration (3) q Application servers q First keep Apps server structure q “Drain” procedure q Beef-up hardware q Then move Apps server to group server  Groups can control SW updates  but looses natural redundancy

16 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 16 Server OS - Options Options q Do nothing q NW 4.11 -> Client32 q NW 4.11 -> NW 5.0 q NW 4.11 -> NT 4.0 q NW 4.11 -> Windows 2000 Server Problems No IP, 8.3, accents UI, depl., Home, NT, IP OK? Expertise, migration NT client, quotas, BU Too early Effort Zero High Medium ? Huge

17 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 17 Server OS Preferences

18 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 18 Windows 2000 strategy q Involve users from day 1 q Develop desktop independently from server q Desktop as of MS release + 1-2 month(s) q Prototype Windows 2000 server gradually as of now q Take into account a HEP-wide structure (HepNT) q Independent servers  Allows for alternatives (e.g. Kerberos)  Allows for component based introduction q Basis for a managed local apps support (roaming user) q Present detailed plan and costs as of 1 st July 1999

19 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 19 Summary q Go to IP only ASAP q NT client on W95 for non {EP,IT,PS}|{New PC’s} q NetWare -> NT servers q Beef-up and restructure Home/Div/Apps servers q Skip Window 98, focus on Windows 2000 q With local apps managed by IntelliMirror/SMS q Offer NT alternative for large disks q Prototype a Windows 2000 service architecture q Taking account of a HEP wide structure q Allowing for shared sub-services (e.g. Kerberos) q Allowing for early participation of experiments/divisions

20 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Extended C5, June 11, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 20 Risks q Desktop q MS does not release W2K Professional in time q Desktop Forum rejects the proposal q Obsolete HW does not get replaced q Server q NT does not scale q NT missing functionality q Restructuring not accepted by Desktop Forum or Users

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