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Using Your PSAT/NMSQT ® Scores to Increase College Readiness.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Your PSAT/NMSQT ® Scores to Increase College Readiness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Your PSAT/NMSQT ® Scores to Increase College Readiness

2 Students must take the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT test in order to qualify for 4-year college admission. The SAT and ACT are the only two admissions exams available for college admission. Research confirms taking the PSAT and multiple SAT practice exams prepares you for the SAT and increases your scores!

3 + Prepare for the new SAT ® + Get free, personalized, and focused practice through Khan Academy ® + Start getting ready for college with college and career planning tools + Enter the National Merit ® Scholarship Program + See which AP ® courses you might be ready for + Get admission and financial aid information from colleges What are the Benefits of Taking the PSAT/NMSQT ® ?

4 SAT Exam + It is recommended that students take the SAT at the end of their Junior year. Most of our students will take it again during their senior year. + There will be fee waivers available for students who qualify free/reduced lunch (2 for each test). + SAT and ACT will be the most important test you will take in high school. It will determine what colleges you qualify for.

5 5 Understanding My Paper Score Report -Score reports are located inside your PSAT test booklets

6 6 What Are My Scores?

7 7 What Are My Scores? (cont.)

8 What Are My Score Percentiles? 8

9 What Are My Score Ranges? 9

10 What is the National Merit ® Scholarship Program? 10

11 What Are My Areas of Strength? What Skills Do I Need to Build? 11

12 How Do I Access My PSAT/NMSQT ® Scores and Reports? 1. Review your Online reports 2. Review Your Paper Score Report 12

13 Log in to your personalized account at

14 14 How Do I Access My Online PSAT/NMSQT ® Scores and Reports? 1.Log in to an existing College Board account or create a new one at 1. If you have a Collegeboard account from last year, please use that one. DO NOT CREATE MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS.

15 Enter your student information DO NOT USE YOUR SCHOOL.NET EMAIL Please use your personal email address

16 Choose a Username and Password you will remember!

17 Skip the Parent Information

18 Username and Password + Write your username and password on the Important Websites/Accounts sheet under the Collegeboard section and keep it inside your folder. Also keep a copy in your email or cell phone for safe keeping. + You will use the same username and password next year when you sign-up for the SAT through + Never create two accounts! Colleges will not be able to receive your scores.

19 How Do I Access My Online PSAT/NMSQT ® Scores and Reports? (cont.) 19 1. Log in to Your Account 2. Select PSAT/NMSQT Scores *Or* 3. Use “Missing Scores” to locate scores Enter your Access Code from the front of your score report

20 My Score Reports 20

21 My Detailed Scores 21

22 How Will I Do on the SAT ® ? 22

23 How Did My Score Measure Against College Readiness Benchmarks? 23 + Section, test, and subscores all report scores in performance zones which indicate whether you are on track for success in the first year of college. + For section scores -Need to Strengthen Skills = below grade- level benchmark by more than one year -Approaching Benchmark = below grade- level benchmark by one year or less -Meets or exceeds Benchmark = at or above grade-level benchmark + For test scores and subscores, -Red, yellow, and green ranges reflect areas of strengths and weaknesses compared to the typical performance of students

24 24 How Can I Improve My Academic Skills?

25 + Look at my online score report -Identify the questions I answered incorrectly -Find the correct answer and read the answer explanation -Explain why the error was made -Ask questions about answer explanations that are not clear 25 What Can I Learn From My Answers?

26 + Look at the types of questions I answered incorrectly and skipped: -Identify the level of difficulty. How many questions did I miss at each level? -Was I more likely to skip questions associated with any subscore or cross-test score? -What inferences can I make about areas for improvement based on the types of questions I missed and skipped? 26 What Can I Learn From My Answers? (cont.)

27 What Additional Resources Will Help Me Prepare for My Future?

28 28 + College Board research shows that students who score a 3 or higher on an AP Exam typically experience greater academic success in college and are more likely to earn a college degree on time than non- AP students. + AP Potential ™ uses scores from the PSAT/NMSQT to provide predictions for 21 AP Exams. AP Potential ™

29 Official SAT Practice with Khan Academy ® – It’s FREE! + Sign up for Official SAT Practice for free + Complete practice problems and diagnostic quizzes + Link your College Board and Khan Academy accounts. -All SAT Suite results will be sent to further customize practice on Khan Academy using actual results. 29

30 What steps will I follow to link my College Board account to Khan Academy ® ? + Step 1: Log in or create a Khan Academy Account + Step 2: When prompted; agree to link your Khan Academy and College Board account. You will then be directed to + Step 3: Sign in or create a College Board Account + Step 4: When prompted; hit “Send” to authorize the account linking + Step 5: Start practicing on Official SAT practice on Khan Academy! 30

31 Popular Tools from Collegeboard + BigFuture™ -College Action Plan -College Search -Scholarships -Financial Aid + MyRoad™ Personality explorer + Student Search Service ® 31

32 What Are My Next Steps? (for the remainder of the period and on your free time) + Link scores with Khan Academy + Utilize other Popular Tools resources to research and prepare for college 32

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