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ECE 4006-B GIGABIT ETHERNET GROUP #7 Update Presentation #12  PROGRESS  Connectorized RX, Connectorized TX, & TX/RX Combo tested using 100m cable  Unconnectorized.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 4006-B GIGABIT ETHERNET GROUP #7 Update Presentation #12  PROGRESS  Connectorized RX, Connectorized TX, & TX/RX Combo tested using 100m cable  Unconnectorized."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 4006-B GIGABIT ETHERNET GROUP #7 Update Presentation #12  PROGRESS  Connectorized RX, Connectorized TX, & TX/RX Combo tested using 100m cable  Unconnectorized RX eye diagrams and alignment tolerance testing  Completed paper  PLANNED WORK December 13-14, 2002  Graduation party Presented by: My Tran

2 Eye diagram for G7 transmitter throughput PRBS7 (2m cable)PRBS7 (100m cable) HOME Honeywell HFE-4383-521 Peak Wavelength850 nm Slope Efficiency0.15 mW/mA Threshold Current 3.5 mA K28.5 K28.7

3 Eye diagram for G7 receiver throughput HOME Optoway OPDR1-GSA3 Peak wavelength 850 nm Responsivity0.55 mA/mW Capacitance1.5 pF PRBS7 (2m cable)PRBS7 (100m cable) K28.5 K28.7 PRBS7 K28.5 K28.7

4 PRBS7 (2m cable)PRBS7 (100m cable) HOME K28.5 K28.7 Both TX and RX working Eye diagram for G7 transmitter connected to G7 receiver !!

5 Unconnectorized Receiver Testing HOME Hamamatsu S5973 Peak wavelength 760 nm Responsivity0.47 mA/mW Capacitance1.5 pF Eye Diagram & Mask TestAlignment Tolerance

6 Project Summary Connectorized RX, TX, and RX/TX Combination functional and tested Unconnectorized RX working & partially tested Unconnectorized TX working but not tested Cost vs. Performance Analysis Incomplete

7 ECE 4006-B GIGABIT ETHERNET GROUP #7 Update Presentation #12

8 End of Slideshow ;) Start Over



11 Eye diagram for G7 transmitter throughput K28.5 (2m cable)K28.5 (100m cable) HOME Honeywell HFE-4383-521 Peak Wavelength850 nm Slope Efficiency0.15 mW/mA Threshold Current 3.5 mA

12 Eye diagram for G7 transmitter throughput K28.7 (2m cable)K28.7 (100m cable) HOME Honeywell HFE-4383-521 Peak Wavelength850 nm Slope Efficiency0.15 mW/mA Threshold Current 3.5 mA



15 Eye diagram for G7 receiver throughput HOME K28.5 (2m cable)K28.5 (100m cable)

16 Eye diagram for G7 receiver throughput HOME K28.7 (2m cable)K28.7 (100m cable)






22 K28.5 (2m cable)K28.5 (100m cable) HOME Both TX and RX working Eye diagram for G7 transmitter connected to G7 receiver !!

23 K28.7 (2m cable)K28.7 (100m cable) HOME Both TX and RX working Eye diagram for G7 transmitter connected to G7 receiver !!



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