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The Health Roundtable Presenter(s): (delegate name(s)) Hospital Code Name: Poster Session HRT11420 –Innovation Awards November 2014 Melbourne Email your.

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Presentation on theme: "The Health Roundtable Presenter(s): (delegate name(s)) Hospital Code Name: Poster Session HRT11420 –Innovation Awards November 2014 Melbourne Email your."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Health Roundtable Presenter(s): (delegate name(s)) Hospital Code Name: Poster Session HRT11420 –Innovation Awards November 2014 Melbourne Email your presentation to:

2 The Health Roundtable Elevator Pitch- What is the outcome/significance of your presentation? (This will be used in the program to describe your innovation)  Example  “ 35% reduction in beddays by Very High Intensity Users at Middlemore”  “30 inpatient beds were targeted to shift to HITH as a bed substitution opportunity”. Royal Brisbane Same day and multiday admits are up over 50%”  “Connecting Care enrolments for Chronic Patients were under target by 40%. System wide redesign has raised enrolments by ~ 100% at Southern  If you want some help please call Kate Tynan 0417 481 661

3 The Health Roundtable Presenters Summary – ONE Slide Each presenter will have 3 minutes to give an overview of your innovation. Use this format as an aide memoire – We will display this slide for the duration of your 3 minutes. Please be as concise as possible  Key problem  Aim of Innovation  What we did  Focus on the outcomes

4 The Health Roundtable KEY PROBLEM - One Slide  Brief summary of the key issue in one slide. What was the situation before you implemented this process/innovation?

5 The Health Roundtable AIM OF THIS INNOVATION – One Slide  Improvement Sought

6 The Health Roundtable BASELINE DATA -  Describe the issue or preferably show baseline measures eg rate of this problem over time prior to the innovation

7 The Health Roundtable KEY CHANGES IMPLEMENTED  Please focus on changes that were actually implemented that have contributed to the project’s success  (1-2 slides)

8 The Health Roundtable OUTCOMES SO FAR  Focus is on real results, not anticipated improvements  Provide numerical evidence that changes have made an improvement e.g. a before and after chart, spc chart  (1 slide)

9 The Health Roundtable LESSONS LEARNT – One Slide  What would you recommend to other organisations?

10 The Health Roundtable Who can provide information on this innovation from your service ? To help share good ideas, please list details for 2 people who could be contacted about this innovation

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