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Published byDeirdre Francis Modified over 9 years ago
IMS Cloud Computing Architecture for High-Quality Multimedia Applications
Authors: Jiann-Liang Chenz, Szu-Lin Wuy, Yang-Fang Li, Pei-Jia Yang, Yanuarius Teofilus Larosa Speaker :吳靖緯 MA0G0101 2011 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), On page(s): , July. 2011
Outline Conclusion Introduction Background Knowledge
Proposed IMS cloud QOS mechanism System design and performance analysis Conclusion
Introduction The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) supports heterogeneous networking and provides Quality of Service (QoS) policy. For mobile computing, an open platform is required to access multimedia services. All of the above issues must be addressed when developing next-generation wireless communications technologies and applications. IP多媒體子系統(IMS)支援異質網路並提供服務品質(QoS)政策。 用於行動運算,需要一個開放式平台來訪問多媒體服務。 開發下一代無線通訊技術和應用必須解決上述所有問題。
Introduction Figure 1 illustrates a IMS cloud architecture in a heterogeneous network. 圖1說明了在異質網路的IMS雲端架構。
Introduction The IMS architecture which is based on the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) system, defined QoS policy module, which consists of Policy and Charging Rules Function (PCRF), Policy and Charging Enforcement Function (PCEF). The cloud computing architecture is divided into three layers, Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). 基於IMS架構的3GPP(第三代合作夥伴計畫)系統上,定義QoS政策區塊,包括政策和計費規則功能(PCRF),政策和計費強制功能(PCEF) 雲端運算架構分成三層,軟體服務(SaaS),平台服務(PaaS),和基礎設施服務(IaaS)
Background Knowledge Heterogeneous Networks
The heterogeneous network is a next-generation communication network that provides wireless links via 3G, WLAN or WiMAX in overlapping networks. A 3G supports multimedia communication and is expected to evolve into All-IP technologies. The WiMAX wireless broadband technology provides long-distance last-mile access to high bandwidth. 異質網路 異質網路是新一代通訊網路,在重疊網路中他提供無線連接經由3G,WLAN或WiMAX。 3G支援多媒體通訊並有望發展成All-IP技術。 WiMAX無限頻寬技術提供長距離存取高頻寬。
Background Knowledge The IEEE x protocols for wireless local area network (WLAN) use the same basic protocol for over-the-air modulation techniques. In heterogeneous networks, 3G can support a high-mobility environment. The WiMAX supports mobile terminals moving at speeds up to 120Km/h. IEEE x協議對於無線區域網路使用相同的基礎協議over-the-air 調節技術。 在異質性網路裡,3G可以支援在高移動性的環境中。 WiMAX 支援的移動速度較慢,移動速度可達120Km/h
Background Knowledge Cloud Computing
The cloud computing architecture is divided into three layers. The bottom layer is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), which has a service-oriented architecture. The middle layer is Platform as a Service (PaaS), a service platform that developer can use to deploy their own applications. 雲端運算架構可以分為三層。 底層為基礎設施服務(IaaS),他有一個服務導向的架構。 中間層為服務平台(PaaS),一個服務平台,開發人員可以用它來部署自己的應用程序。
Background Knowledge The top layer of the Software as a Service (SaaS) provides services so that each user can access services according to their requirements. Hadoop is a software platform for a java-based development environment that has high scalability, high efficiency, and high reliability. The two components of Hadoop are Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and MapReduce. 最上層為軟體服務(SaaS)提供服務,讓每個用戶可以根據他們的要求存取服務。 Hadoop是一個軟體平台,一個基於Java的開發環境,具有高擴展性,高效率和高可靠性。 Hadoop組成的兩個部分是Hadoop分散式檔案系統(HDFS)和MapReduce。
Background Knowledge IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)
The purpose of IMS is to provide services in a 3G network infrastructure and to enable QoS exchange in different networks. The 3GPP-defined IMS core component is Call Session Control Function (CSCF). The components are divided into P-CSCF (Proxy-CSCF), I-CSCF (Interrogating-CSCF) and SCSCF modules (Serving-CSCF). IMS的用意是在基礎設施3G網路來提供服務,使QoS在不同的網路間交換。 3GPP定義了IMS核心組成部分是呼叫會議控制功能(CSCF)。 該組件可分為P-CSCF(代理-CSCF),I-CSCF(查詢-CSCF)和SCSCF(服務-CSCF)模組。
Background Knowledge The P-CSCF is the first contact point in IMS.
The P-CSCF is responsible for authentication requests, which is forwarded to the specific target. The ICSCF is the contact point between network operators and UEs (User Equipment). The S-CSCF is the core component of IMS, which is located in attributed network for UE session control and registration services. P-CSCF是IMS中的第一個接觸點。 P-CSCF負責驗證請求,並被轉發到特定的目標。 ICSCF是在網路業者與UEs間的聯繫點。 S-CSCF是IMS的核心組件,它設置在UE會話控制和註冊服務的網絡。
Proposed IMS cloud QOS mechanism
Figure 2 illustrates the proposed IMS Cloud QoS system architecture. 圖二說明提出IMS雲端QoS系統架構。
Proposed IMS cloud QOS mechanism
The lower layer model, IaaS is the development platform used for building the IMS system. The PaaS provides a platform for system administrators to develop the Hadoop framework needed for distributed file system and MapReduce technology. The upper layer model is SaaS, which enables users to obtain information and services via cloud computing systems. 在底層的模塊,IaaS是用來建立IMS系統的開發平台。 PaaS的系統管理員提供一個平台來開發Hadoop框架需要分散式文件系統和MapReduce技術。 在上層模組是SaaS,它讓使用者獲得信息和服務經由雲端運算系統。
Proposed IMS cloud QOS mechanism
Figure 3 illustrates the proposed system module, which includes IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. 圖三說明提出的系統模組,包含了IaaS, PaaS和SaaS。
Proposed IMS cloud QOS mechanism
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) In IaaS, a service is accessed through different networks in an IMS environment. The IMS is implemented through an open and standard architecture to provide multimedia applications. The IMS framework includes the Policy and Charging Rules Function (PCRF) and Policy and Charging EnForcement point (PCEF) components needed for QoS policy implementation. 在Iaas,通過IMS環境中不同的網路存取服務。 IMS實現通過一個開放且標準的架構來提供多媒體應用。 IMS框架包括政策與計費規則功能(PCRF)和政策與計費執行指示(PCEF)QoS政策實施需要的組件。
Proposed IMS cloud QOS mechanism
Figure 4 illustrates a complete IMS QoS framework architecture, in which the policy repository by the open source of XDMS server is used to store definitions of QoS policy files. 圖四說明一個完整IMS的QoS框架結構,XDMS伺服器開放來源碼政策儲存庫是用來儲存定義的QoS政策檔案。
Proposed IMS cloud QOS mechanism
Platform as a Service (PaaS) The high fault tolerance of HDFS enables it to deploy on low-cost hardware devices. The HDFS is suitable for massive data and provides high throughput. MapReduce is a parallel programming model for data processing and is used by Google for large-scale data processing in distributed computing environments. HDFS的高榮錯率使的它部屬在低成本的硬體設備上。 HDFS適合用在大量的資料和提供高吞吐量。 MapReduce對於資料處理是並行程式模型,Google用在分散式計算環境中大規模的資料處理。
Proposed IMS cloud QOS mechanism
Software as a Service (SaaS) This layer is implemented by using the Hadoop SaaS system for extracting the user wants to access information and applications to achieve the service function. For instance, users can access applications through Web Services such as multimedia (video streaming), management (user process management) and social network applications. 這一層的執行是使用Hadoop SaaS system提取用戶想要存取信息和應用來實現服務功能。 舉例,用戶可以透過網頁服務訪問應用程序,例如多媒體(視訊串流),管理(使用者處理管理)和社交網路應用程序。
Proposed IMS cloud QOS mechanism
Figure 5 shows the cloud computing service architecture. 圖五顯示雲端運算服務架構。
System design and performance analysis
Figure 6 illustrates the test scenario, which included 3G, WiMAX and WiFi access technologies. 圖六說明了測試場景,包含了3G,WiMAX和WiFi存取技術。
System design and performance analysis
System Implementation Hadoop system design and operation: One mainly machine, called hdp-1, is the Master, and another two machines, hdp-2 and hdp-3, are the Slaves. This study utilizes the Representational State Transfer(REST) Web Services to get Hadoop services. 系統執行 一個主要的伺服器,稱呼為hdp-1,它是主要的(Master),其他兩台伺服器稱為hdp-2與hdp-3,它們是從(Slaves)。 本研究利用REST網頁服務來獲得Hadoop服務。
System design and performance analysis
The user interface is shown in Figure 7.
System design and performance analysis
Figure 8 shows the installed system.
System design and performance analysis
IMS core design and operation: Figure 9 illustrates the established IMS environment. 圖九說明了設立的IMS環境。
System design and performance analysis
This study sets up IMS components in the master machine (hdp-1). Clients then communicate by using SIP protocol to access the IMS network. The system defines all domain policies rule. 本研究在主伺服器(hdp-1)設置IMS組件。 客戶端接著使用SIP協議來訪問IMS網路進行通信。 本系統定義了所有網域的方針規則
System design and performance analysis
The four CSCFs modules are started as shown in Fig. 10. 四個CSCFs模塊開始如圖十所示。
System design and performance analysis
Figure 11 shows the Policy Control Management. 圖11顯示政策控制管理。
System design and performance analysis
Figure 12 shows how an Android phone is used to access the cloud computing portal site by QR code and how services can be accessed through the cloud computing interface. 圖12顯示Android手機如何使用QR碼來訪問雲端運算的入口網站設置,以及如何通過雲端運算介面來存取服務。
System design and performance analysis
Figure 13 compares the results with and without cloud computing system when a client request is set to retrieve 128MB. 圖13當客戶請求設定取回128MB的資料時,有雲端運算跟沒有雲端運算的比較結果。
System design and performance analysis
Figure 14 shows the system throughput for VoIP, video streaming and Web browser. 圖14顯示VoIP,視訊串流和網頁瀏覽器的系統吞吐量。
Conclusion The proposed IMS Cloud QoS mechanism has the following three layers: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) layer Platform as a Service (PaaS) layer Software as a Service (SaaS) layer The IaaS layer mainly accesses heterogeneous networks such as UMTS, WLAN and WiMAX through the IP Multimedia Subsystem. 提出IMS雲端QoS機制具有以下三層: IaaS層,PaaS層和SaaS層。 IaaS層主要存取異質網路例如UMTS,WLAN和WiMAX通過IP多媒體子系統。
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